Dorf.Connect! Empowering Rural Resilience Through Digital Communication



It all began in the small German village of Deifeld-Wissinghausen. One of its 270 inhabitants was afflicted with a highly aggressive form of lymphoid cancer, and his prognosis allowed for only a scant few weeks. This sparked an enormous grassroots effort for help and support in the village but also a flood of confusing social media sources and rumors. Somebody in the village then took over the initiative to build a web blog to provide clear and official information to coordinate the (in the end very successful) help efforts.

This initiative led to the realization that every village required an efficient communication system, particularly during crises. So out of this truly bottom-up idea became with the help and initiative of LEADER a communication platform in the southern part of the state North-Rhine Westphalia in Germany.

Supported by the cooperation between eight LAGs, the project runs now in over 50 villages. The communication platform consists of individual village websites in combination with an app, that promoted news and events from the websites via instant messages directly to cellphones. The app also functions as a social communication tool in with chat and seek-offer functions.

Presentation of the project

Communication and community life in the villages of South Westphalia revolve around presenting the village and its history, sharing news and events, and fostering a vibrant and modern neighborhood. The project’s objective was to enhance communication in these villages using digital tools, without full digitization, while encouraging real community interaction.

The digital communication technology was enriched with several key components:

  1. Editorial Teams: Volunteer editorial teams were formed in the participating villages to oversee the content of Village Pages, ensuring regular updates and website maintenance.
  2. Digitalization Mentor: A dedicated project manager provided active support to the editorial teams in communication strategies, organizational and editorial matters.
  3. Technical Support: A contracted agency offered technical support, ensuring the smooth operation of the communication platform.
  4. By integrating the communication platform with village-level editorial teams, technical support, and guidance from digitalization mentors, the project strengthened social cohesion through digitalization. This approach aimed to bridge the digital gap between urban and rural areas.

The project laid the foundation for numerous regional improvements, encouraging village communities to engage with one another. It established a shared and easily accessible communication structure with customizable development potential. Villages were invited to collaborate on developing digital expansion special need components like mobility services, jobs-boards, volunteer networks or integration of new residents.

The communication technology introduced several ways to enhance the resilience of village communities:

The communication platform facilitated better connections and interactions among village communities. It streamlined the flow of information, essential for addressing challenges effectively and it enables the sharing of knowledge and experiences within and between village communities. Residents gained access to valuable information, learned from successful practices in other communities, and expanded their knowledge base. And last, but not least, the platform plays a pivotal role in crisis communication for village communities since timely information strengthens residents’ ability to respond to crises.

The project emerged in response to genuine needs within the initiating LEADER region, Hochsauerland. This region conceived, implemented, and realized the project, actively promoting it to find cooperating partner regions and engaging participating villages.

The communication app is designed to address challenges in rural community life, bolstering resilience and encouraging volunteerism through several key features:

  1. Efficient Communication
  2. Connecting Volunteers
  3. Event Planning
  4. Knowledge Exchange and Resource Pooling

It serves as a platform to acknowledge and appreciate volunteer contributions, boosting motivation for further engagement as achievements are shared among community members.

Moreover, the app has the potential to address various other challenges in our strategy, including economic, leisure and culture development, mobility and public services, climate-responsible environmental resource use and education and Integration of new residents and social groups.

By fostering efficient communication, connection among volunteers, and resource sharing, it becomes a versatile tool that can positively impact multiple facets of community life and development.

The project Wir! was executed across 51 villages within 8 Local Action Groups (LAGs) between December 2021 and November 2023. A follow-up initiative (Dorf.Connect! – Empowering Rural Resilience Through Digital Communication), featuring novel components, along with a concurrent resilience study, is currently in the planning stages for the period spanning from 2024 to 2027.

The goal of the accompanying resilience study is to produce an interim and a final report to document the knowledge and experiences gained from implementing the communication app in the village communities. This knowledge can then be made available to other communities, organizations, or decision-makers to learn from the experiences and implement similar initiatives in different contexts. An evaluation study can thus support knowledge transfer and the scalability of such projects.


Project Video: (with english Subtitles)

Project Flyer:

Project Poster:


CoLabora : European cooperation project on coworking spaces in rural areas



CoLabora was an European cooperation project dealing with coworking in rural areas and gathered seven Local Action Groups across the EU, all located in rural areas. The partners were convinced that coworking spaces can contribute to rural areas’ development. This new model of places designed for professionals offers the opportunity to efficiently work where they choose to live, without the need to move away from their rural environment. In that way, coworking helps to maintain the working population in rural areas as well as it encourages new people, keen to a better quality of life, to move in. Moreover, coworking spaces offer digital and technical tools, support to entrepreneurs and a collaborative network of professionals which contribute to stimulate each one’s economic activity. Given these expected positive impacts for rural areas, the seven partners decided to pool their competences and experiences to help each other to go further in the development of coworking. From 2018 to 2022, partners carry out study trips and collaborative work in order to create a methodological toolbox designed to raise awareness of the benefits of coworking in rural areas and enable anybody interested in setting up and running coworking spaces.

Presentation of the project

CoLabora was an European cooperation project dealing with coworking in rural areas and gathered seven Local Action Groups across the EU, all located in rural areas. Among the cooperating regions, there were either areas really close to urban areas or areas located in very rural regions. But coworking was seen as a catalyst for regional development and a chance to stimulate economic development and innovation in rural areas, to attract new inhabitants coming from cities in order to improve their quality of life, to retain people (especially young people) and activities in rural areas, to attract new coworkers in existing coworking spaces and to improve the quality of life for inhabitants, including balance between professional and personal life, new services providing. But cooperation partners were at different stages of developing coworking spaces. Some had already developed several coworking spaces. Others had created a coworking space but without coworkers. And others had not developed coworking spaces.

That is why Colabora aimed to explain the coworking concept and disseminate its benefits and the opportunities but also to get to know and stimulate the community of professionals, freelance and local entrepreneurs, to promote their interrelationship and networking, to develop coworking in rural areas, to extend the provided services by coworking spaces, to formalize a process to create a coworking space, step by step, and providing some concrete tools to manage the coworkers community an to learn from best practice from different coworking spaces in Europe.

CoLaboras’ main result:

  • Collection of good coworking examples all over the EU
  • Coworking toolkit
  • Training modules for community builders
  • Compiling the benefits of coworking spaces in rural areas
  • Logo development
  • Explanatory video on rural coworking in different languages

CoLaboras’ further impacts :

  • LAG Pays de Guéret: Hiring a coworking manager
  • LAG Association Pieriga Partnership & LAG Zied Zeme: Opening of the co-working space « CoLabora Lielvarde »
  • LAG Consorci Intercomarcal d’Iniciatives Socioeconòmiques: Webinars & training for new coworking spaces and elaboration of a new social media campaign
  • LAG Leipziger Muldenland: Coworking Network & Pop-up Coworking Test Phase LAG Donegal: Opening of four coworking spaces
  • LAG Vale of Glamorgan: Coworking festival

The cooperation project was funded by LEADER as a transnational cooperation project using knowledge transfer, exchanges and study trips to achieve the project goals. The project showed the LEADER added values.

CoLabora helped to create the focus topic “new work/coworking” in the Local Development Strategy 2023-2027 in LAG Leipziger Muldenland which will support rural coworking spaces within the next funding period.

CoLabora helped furthermore to realize a coworking pop-up testing periode during summer 2022 and to create a network of rural coworking spaces in the surrounding of the city of Leipzig. Today three coworking space are open and three more will follow in 2024. Coworking Space owners are meeting regularly in a network run by LAG Leipziger Muldenland. This network allows the local coworking space owners to share experiences and gives the opportunity to organize public relation activities by LAG Leipziger Muldenland for the coworking spaces, like representation on trade fairs, social media marketing, events for interest groups, the production of an image video and promotional materials.

CoLabora helped to show the benefits of rural coworking spaces, convinced the District of Leipzig to write a district wide coworking spaces concept and helped to concretize two planned coworking space projects which are under construction. As a result two old rural buildings both abandoned for more than 20 years will be revived using the CoLabora project experiences and results.

During a study trip of Saxonian LAGs during summer 2023 LAG Leipziger Muldenland presented the CoLabora results. Also several German LAGs are asking regularly for CoLabora results and experiences to transfer parts of the cooperation project to their own area.

For 2024 an ERASMUS+ project is planned to exchange coworkers and owners of coworking spaces. Some CoLabora partners will also be partners of the new ERASMUS+ project.


Project video:

German: French:


German: uide%20(DE).pdf


https://uploads- king%20Guide.pdf

Création d’un sentier de randonnée par les jeunes de l’Institut Thérapeutique Moyembrie



Le DITEP (Dispositif Institut Thérapeutique Éducatif et Pédagogique) accompagne des jeunes âgés de 4 à 18 ans présentant des troubles du comportement et de la conduite qui perturbent gravement la socialisation et l’accès aux apprentissages. Manifestant un vif intérêt pour les activités s’appuyant sur l’écosystème forestier, les jeunes du DITEP Moyembrie se sont investis dans la création d’un circuit de randonnée labélisé au cœur du massif de Saint-Gobain, lieu de fondation de l’ordre de Prémontré et d’implantation d’une glacerie royale sous Louis XIV. Les jeunes ont participé au balisage et à la création des différents panneaux et bornes interactives qui jalonnent le parcours.

Présentation du projet

Le cœur du métier des encadrants est d’imaginer et de mettre en œuvre différentes techniques de médiation, nécessaires dans le cadre du projet d’accompagnement de chaque enfant. Régulièrement, les jeunes du DITEP participent à des randonnées pédestres ou en VTT en forêt. Une classe découverte a aussi été organisée pour travailler de manière spécifique l’environnement forestier (reconnaissance des essences, identification des empreintes de mammifères, observation d’oiseaux / d’animaux pour appréhender le réseau trophique forestier). Eux-mêmes passionnés du massif forestier de Saint-Gobain, géré par l’ONF, les encadrants du DITEP Moyembrie ont constaté l’absence d’un circuit de randonnée forestier au départ du bourg éponyme. Ils y ont vu l’opportunité d’aider les jeunes du DITEP à s’engager dans un projet vaste et à donner quelque chose aux autres, alors même qu’ils ont du mal à faire pour autrui. Le projet prévoyait l’aménagement de 3 sentiers de randonnée balisés avec la pose de mobiliers d’interprétation conçus par les jeunes et valorisés par un graphiste professionnel. Devantsurmonter leurs difficultés en lecture et en écriture, les jeunes du DITEP ont créé des bornes botaniques, des puzzles interactifs, des quizz sur les champignons comestibles, les arbres, les animaux de la forêt et les oiseaux mais aussi des pupitres d’information valorisant des éléments patrimoniaux méconnus tels qu’un blockhaus, les carrières Sébourgan, le saut du boiteux ou bien encore les mystérieuses pierres levées qui donnent leur nom au circuit. Au-delà du financement, sans lequel le projet ne se serait pas réalisé, le Programme LEADER a permis d’accompagner les encadrants qui découvraient à la fois le développement d’un projet à vocation touristique et le montage administratif et financier d’un projet de cette envergure. Le GAL a contribué au développement des partenariats, à la mise en réseau et à la valorisation de l’action. Alors qu’ils constatent une augmentation de la fréquentation de ce petit coin de forêt qui accueille davantage de groupes de randonneurs, mais aussi de nombreux scolaires, les encadrants du DITEP mesurent surtout l’impact du projet sur les jeunes qui se sont appropriés le circuit et s’y sont pleinement investis. Le circuit reste d’ailleurs un support incontournable d’activités pédagogiques et éducatives avec la création d’ateliers animés par les jeunes qui permettent de travailler le langage oral et le contrôle de soi, mais aussi dans le cadre d’ateliers de préprofessionnalisation pour l’entretien du sentier.

Le caractère emblématique du projet

Le Pays Picard – Vallées de l’Oise et de l’Ailette est un territoire doté d’un patrimoine historique et naturel riche qui nécessite cependant une valorisation et une mise en mouvement qui sont au cœur de la stratégie de développement du Groupe d’Action Locale. Si cette dernière donne la possibilité de créer des itinéraires de randonnées, sur un territoire axonais qui capitalise sur les activités de pleine nature, la stratégie ambitionne surtout de développer les outils de médiation, qu’ils soient physiques ou numériques afin d’animer le patrimoine. Le projet innove par la nature même du porteur, un institut thérapeutique. Les panneaux sont réalisés par des enfants ou des adolescents en situation de handicap. La création de ce sentier fournit une occasion de travailler le projet des jeunes en leur donnant la possibilité de s’investir pour les autres, ce qui représente un défi pour ces derniers dont les troubles viennent entraver au quotidien leurs relations sociales. Par ailleurs, les visuels des panneaux s’adressent tant aux jeunes enfants (hauteur d’écriture, présence de pictogrammes, mobiliers interactifs) qu’aux adultes, qu’ils soient lecteurs ou non, contribuant ainsi à la promotion de l’égalité des chances, notamment dans l’accès à la culture et la prise de conscience de l’importance du respect et de la protection de l’environnement.


Institut Thérapeutique Éducatif et Pédagogique (ITEP) Moyembrie

GAL Pays Picard – Vallées de l’Oise et de l’Ailette


National Smart Villages Programme



The Smart Villages Programme is a national LEADER cooperation project that provides support and training activities to participating villages to develop a Smart Village strategy and implement innovative pilot activities in their area. As an added value of the cooperation project, a network of Estonian Smart Villages was created to increase the capacity and awareness of local communities about the development potential of the region. In addition, links was establish with the European Smart Villages Network Smart Rural 21 (

The development programme of Smart Villages is implemented by 13 Estonian Local Action Groups. Twenty-four villages/regions from across Estonia participate in the development programme.

Two years long Smart Villages Programme included: Six training modules on different topics; A two-day study trip in Estonia and a five-day study trip abroad; Implementation of pilot activities; Mentoring support; Communication and information activities;

As a result of the project, 24 smart village strategies and pilot activities were prepared. LEADER LAGs gained experience on how to implement the concept of Smart Villages at the local level and planned follow-up activities into their Local Development Strategies. Through communication activities, the Smart Village approach was introduced to the general public, offering Estonian villages and communities inspiration for the smart development of their regions.

Presentation of the project

In 2020, the selection process of the villages of the « Smart Rural 21 » project funded by the European Commission took place. A working group (members are representatives of the Ministry of Rural Affairs, Ministry of Social Affairs, Estonian Rural Network, Village movement “Kodukant”, Estonian Leader Union, Union of Estonian Towns and Municipalities) was formed to select Estonian villages. Many villages from Estonia wanted to participate in the project, but only the village of Virtsu was selected. This showed that local communities are interested in the topic of a smart village.

Therefore, Estonian LAG´s and mentioned working group came up with the idea of making a project to offer support activities to communities to create a smart village strategy. The project was inspired by the « Smart Rural 21 » project adapted to the Estonian context. Estonia has a long tradition in the village movement, but the concept of a smart village sounds innovative and brings new energy.

At the beginning of 2021, a cooperation agreement was signed between 13 partners.

In the first half of 2021:

A selection of participating villages. 1-3 villages/regions from each LAG region.

Conducting the survey – to clarify what needs the villages have, what skills would need to be increased. The results of the survey provided input for the development of the training program.

A training program was developed. Six training modules on different topics: social innovation; digitalisation; greening solutions; networking and people involvement; urban-rural cooperation; cross-border service development; local marketing and attracting people to the region; smart transport and logistics solutions; self-sufficiency and business services.

Involvement of mentors: 13 specialists (representatives of local governments, leaders of cooperation networks related to rural areas, with a background of long-term village development…) who offer advice and help to villages in the process of shaping their strategy. Each village could choose the most suitable mentor for itself, according to the village’s characteristics, focuses, etc. Five working days of mentoring support for each village.

Beginning of communication activities – press releases, social media, website, etc.

June 2021, first meeting and training, introductory event.

August-September 2021, study trips for villages participating in the program to different places in Estonia to learn about inspiring projects and initiatives.

Second half of 2021:

Trainings on various topics: visualization and communication, SWOT analysis, engagement process, marketing, smart village tourism, mobility, community information platforms, international examples.

In the first half of 2022:

24 smart village strategies have been completed.

  • Planning and implementation of pilot activities: each village carries out at least one pilot activity set out in the strategy, receiving a grant of € 5 000.
    • A mini hackathon to help villages shape pilot activities.
    • A media campaign was started: articles describing the strategy process and pilot activities in municipal newspapers and the national rural newspaper.
  • June 2022, seminar for summarizing the strategy creation process- the current state of the activities and plans.
  • October 2022, parallel study trips to Austria (Stanz) and Denmark (Torup).
  • December 2022, seminar summarizing the project – experiences are shared by the participating villages/regions, lessons learned, results, plans.
  • Second half of 2022 and beginning of 2023 implementation of pilot activities:
    • Visitor map, virtual community platform, equipment for distance working, services supporting the livelihood of the residents, village cinema, new concept for local school and kindergarden, capacity building of local people, involvement of youth, energy security, circular economy solutions, interactive tools for sharing info, maps for visitors, smart bench.
  • May 2023
    • The final workshop of the project – conclusions/results

Making a video about project results/villages.

Emblematic character of the project

  • Each participating village prepares a Smart Village strategy – 24 villages and 24 strategies;
  • Each participating village implements pilot actions in the framework of its Smart Village strategy – 24 pilot actions;
  • A national Smart Villages Network was established and linked with the international Smart Rural 21 network;
  • Communication activities to introduce Smart Village strategies and results of pilot actions will be implemented to enhance public awareness and the know-how of Estonian villages, governmental institutions, etc.;

LEADER LAGs gained experience on how to implement the concept of Smart Villages at the local level and can, if necessary, plan follow-up activities into their Local Development Strategies (LDS) for the 2021-2027 programming period.

There were different target groups involved into the various types of activities during the implementation of the national Smart Villages Programme:

  • Thirteen LEADER Local Action Groups across Estonia
  • Twenty-four villages from the areas of participating LAGs
  • Estonian national working group (steering group) on Smart Villages
    • Ministry of Rural Affairs;
    • Ministry of Social Affairs;
    • Estonian Rural Network;
    • Estonian LEADER Union;
    • Estonian Village Movement;
    • Association of Cities and Municipalities
  • The project increases the local communities’ skills in strategic thinking, helps spark innovation and significantly increases the cooperation and cohesion of community members.
  • For the first time in Estonia, 13 LEADER action groups (LAG) from different regions of Estonia and national institutions related to rural development have been involved in one project – this gives an opportunity for a wider spread of the understanding of the approach of smart villages.
  • The project provided an opportunity to test the approach of smart villages across Estonia, to learn together with the communities, by increasing the capacity of both villages and LAG`s.


Video (Estonian):


Tartumaa Arendusselts

LAG Tartu Rural Development Association


Raising the voice of women in Rapla county on actual and relevant issues through art and film



The two-year activity plan of the project included 12 cultural events aimed at raising awareness of invisible problems among women and families.   

A new annual festival – The Women’s Nights Film Festival (NÖFF) – has been added to the cultural calendar of Rapla County and the county has received more resonance nationwide, which promotes the region as a good living place.

The main objectives of the project is to stimulate exchanges of ideas, to enliven the cultural life and reduce deprivation of people living in the rural areas.

Presentation of the project

The Women’s Nights Film Festival NÖFF is a festival, which celebrates women in all their diversity and glory. NÖFF showcases the work of women on both sides of the camera. Women are the center of our stories either as filmmakers, performers, or main characters in the stories.

The Women’s Nights Film Festival NÖFF was established in 2019 when the small Estonian town of Rapla opened a brand-new black box type cinema. The festival was founded by the Entrepreneurial Women NGO in Rapla County. The NGO was established in 2009 and today consists of 90 members.

Why have a film festival concentrating on women, women filmmakers, and stories about the experience of being a woman? Research shows that the film industry is still a very sexist industry. Research has shown that 99% women working in the film and TV industries have experienced sexism. This correlates to the fact that by role, women comprise the minority amongst directors, writers, producers, editors, and cinematographers. Thus, the portrayal of women in film is still very stereotypical and unrealistic. Studies show that in films with at least one woman director there are substantially more women employed in

other key behind-the-scenes roles. Women support women.

Women deserve to be heard and seen on screen and behind the camera. NÖFF offers a platform for professional women authors, artists, performers, and filmmakers, may they be only just starting out in the industry or are well known already. NÖFF is offering quality content, entertainment, and profound discussions to broaden mindsets and keep building for a better tomorrow for womanhood.

Since the beginning, the festival’s aim has been to draw the attention on the different kinds of social topics:

NÖFF 2019 was the very first festival and was dedicated to the complicated subject of domestic violence.

NÖFF 2020 was all about motherhood.

NÖFF 2021 took a closer look on the very important subject of environment and women.

NÖFF 2022 took us on a journey with significant women in history.

NÖFF 2023 was focusing on mental and physical health of women.

 NÖFF 2024 will be all about women and power.

The screening of films is supported by Mrs. Tiina Lokk-Tramberg and her Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival team.

Emblematic character of the project

The Women’s Film Festival NÖFF was a completely first-time event in the county. In addition, it was a unique event all over Estonia. Such a film festival has never been held anywhere in Estonia before, although similar festivals take place in other parts of the world.

One of the important goals of the project, in addition to showing films, is to do good marketing for the region, but also to draw attention to how many young people from Rapla County are active on the Estonian film scene today, and several people engaged in photography and music have attracted international attention.  Several female directors, actors and producers are also associated with Rapla County.

Most of the members of the NGO are involved in the project. The project has resulted in strengthening the network of entrepreneurs in the county, and higer level of involvement among active people to support cultural events. As this is a project aimed at cinematography, we are also mapping the possibilities of distributing cinematography in the region. Whenever possible, we promote young people who have grown up in the county.

In turn, as the organization of major cultural events will certainly boost the region’s economy (catering, accommodation, etc).

Similar to the Entrepreneurial Women in Raplamaa NGO project, other applicants in the area of ​​action groups could organize events that have a slightly larger audience and highlight actual social issues. Our association of entrepreneurs has been a role model for several other associations of entrepreneurs established in Estonia.


Ettevõtlikud Naised Raplamaal MTÜ

Raplamaa Partnerluskogu MTÜ

LAG Raplamaa Partnership

Rapla County, Estonia




On March 22, 2017, HTÜ Tootmine OÜ (from 2018 the company’s new name is Hiiumaa Köök ja Pagar OÜ) opened a bakery in a new building and with new equipment. As a result, it became possible to continue industrial bread production on the island of Hiiumaa, which goes back to 1909. By 2023, the entire company’s sales revenue has doubled. The company is the largest food producer in Hiiumaa and cooperates with other food producers on the island: catering and tourism companies and the municipality. Hiiumaa Köök ja Pagar offers work for bakers, cooks, confectioners all year round – the company employs 50 people. Whenever possible, locally grown raw materials are used in the production: beef from Hiiumaa in pate and stew, berries, pumpkin, apples, rhubarb grown in Hiiumaa in bakery products, cakes and desserts. The continuation of the company’s activities on the island is important both from the point of view of the balanced development of the island, and from the point of view of food safety, which has become a particularly important issue in recent years.

Presentation of the project

The aim of the project was to continue the traditions of food production in Hiiumaa. Hiiumaa Köök and Pagar bakery production used a production building that was built in the 1950s. The production building was unsuitable for food production and the equipment had depreciated. In 2015, the company prepared a business plan as well as a construction and technological project. Grant applications were submitted for the purchase of equipment, LEADER programme measure 1 « Enterprise development » to support the construction works of a new production building and the construction of a heating, ventilation and cooling system that meets the modern energy efficiency requirements. All grant applications were approved.

The new production building was opened on March 22, 2017.

As a result of the project, food production and especially the tradition of bread baking in Hiiumaa could continue. The company’s sales revenue in 2023 is over 3 million euros. Half of the total production is sold in Hiiumaa and the other half in mainland Estonia and Saaremaa. The representative product of Hiiumaa Köök and Pagar is Hiiumaa Leib – rye bread fermented with natural sourdough, based on a recipe from the Hiiumaa farm. In addition, the most well-known products are yeast-free rye bread, farm bread, Tootsi cake, honey cake, Hiiumaa sylt and pate. The company employs 50 people all year round.

Hiiumaa Köök and Pagar runs local food sales days, organizes and participates in fairs, represents Hiiumaa at fairs.

Emblematic character of the project

Continuation of food production and food traditions on the island are one of the main tasks of the LAG.

By the decision of the general meeting, LEADER supported the construction of the production building with 160,000 euros that is more than average LEADER project. This highlights the impact of this building for the people of the island.

Hiiumaa Köök and Pagar baking ovens are equipped with a heat recovery system and there is a solar park on the roof of the production building that contribute to the climate goals. In addition to the production building, all of the company’s product packages have undergone renovation. Hiiumaa Köök ja Pagar representative store is Coop Tormi Konsum, where oven-warm bakery products arrive several times a day to the delight of buyers.

The project enriches the sortiment of food products for local people, provides a large number of jobs, and makes the name of Hiiumaa island more known and loved in all Estonia.


Local business

Hiidlaste Koostöökogu 

LAG Hiiumaa Cooperation Network


Saveurs du Gâtinais  60 recettes et des rencontres au fil des saisons



Surnommé le Pays des mille clairières et du grès, le Parc du Gâtinais français s’attache depuis 1999 à préserver ce territoire rural, aux paysages contrastés par les forêts, terres agricoles, affleurements de grès et vallées sillonnées par les rivières, à une soixantaine de kilomètres au sud de Paris. Tous ces éléments ont favorisé le développement de richesses gastronomiques, parmi lesquelles se mêlent le miel du Gâtinais, le cresson de fontaine, le quinoa, le safran, ou encore la volaille de race Gâtinaise. Le livre Saveurs du Gâtinais s’attache ainsi à proposer 60 recettes créatives valorisant les productions locales au fil des saisons, sublimées par des créations d’artisans d’art de la table locaux. Il fait aussi la part belle à 10 agricultrices et agriculteurs passionnés par leur métier à travers l’écriture de leur portrait. Transversal, cet ouvrage se veut un kaléidoscope d’émotions pour toucher le cœur des lecteurs et les inviter à découvrir un espace extraordinaire où les enjeux de préservation de la nature sont primordiaux. Entre beau-livre dans son format et partage d’expérience de vie dans sa forme, le livre Saveurs du Gâtinais invite le lecteur à découvrir mille et une émotions au fil des saisons.

Présentation du projet

Dans le cadre de ses missions de promotion des productions locales, notamment à travers le développement et l’animation de la marque Valeurs Parc, le Parc a souhaité créer un ouvrage de recettes valorisant les produits, producteurs, artisans d’art et paysages du Gâtinais français. L’enjeu de ce projet est de faire connaître les richesses gastronomiques du Parc, à l’échelle locale, mais également aux échelles régionale et nationale, afin d’étendre la visibilité et l’attractivité du Parc et des producteurs, au-delà de son périmètre. Cet ouvrage représente également le symbole de la consommation locale que promeut le Parc du Gâtinais français, à savoir toujours inciter à la consommation en circuits courts, donner l’envie aux lecteurs de retrouver le goût des produits de saison et du faire soi-même, grâce aux recettes qui se veulent accessibles à toutes et tous. Saveurs du Gâtinais est le premier projet de ce type mené par le Parc, et permet de compléter et d’élargir sa stratégie de communication, déjà axée sur les médias de type presse, documentation et réseaux sociaux. Pour mener à bien ce projet, le Parc a collaboré avec deux auteures locales, Cindy Geraldo, habitante de Saint[1]Sauveur-sur-École, reconvertie à la cuisine, et Anne Bourgeois, auteure de plusieurs ouvrages, ainsi qu’avec les Éditions des Écrans.

Contenu de l’ouvrage : L’objet de l’ouvrage est de partir à la découverte du territoire du Parc du Gâtinais français, à travers des portraits de producteurs engagés dans la marque Valeurs Parc, illustrées par des photographies, des recettes mises en scène, et d’invitations à la balade avec des photographies du territoire. Le livre Saveurs du Gâtinais permet au lecteur de découvrir un territoire extraordinaire où les enjeux de préserver une agriculture locale, diversifiée et respectueuse de la nature sont essentiels, tout en leur permettant de réaliser des recettes faciles à cuisiner à partir de produits de saison.

Ainsi, l’ouvrage comporte : – 10 portraits de producteurs engagés dans la marque Valeurs Parc ; – 60 recettes à base de produits du Gâtinais français. Les artisans d’art de table du Parc sont également valorisés, à travers les photographies de mise en scène des recettes : couteaux, céramiques, objets en bois et verrerie subliment ainsi les recettes de l’ouvrage. L’ouvrage comporte 260 pages, et est de type beau-livre, avec une couverture cartonnée et un papier certifié. Les recettes sont organisées en fonction des saisons. Le projet a été mis en œuvre à travers trois phases :

Création de l’ouvrage Pour mener à bien ce projet et créer un ouvrage à l’image du Gâtinais français, le Parc a participé au financement des coûts de création de l’ouvrage (rédaction des portraits, création et rédaction des recettes, photographies, mise en page, conception graphique). La création des contenus est réalisée en partenariat entre les auteures, l’éditeur et le Parc. Un travail de recherche de recettes familiales et traditionnelles locales, de rédaction et relecture de contenus, et de mise en relation avec les producteurs locaux a été réalisé par le Parc.

 Diffusion de l’ouvrage L’objectif du projet est de produire environ 1800 exemplaires de l’ouvrage, qui sont diffusés à partir du 13 octobre. L’ouvrage bénéficie du système de diffusion multi-réseaux des Editions des Ecrans, dans les librairies de premiers et seconds niveaux, en Ile-de-France et au niveau national.

Acquisition d’exemplaires par le Parc Le Parc a fait l’acquisition de 400 exemplaires de l’ouvrage. Ces ouvrages seront disponibles en consultation à la maison du Parc, seront offerts au grand public lors des évènements du Parc (lots pour les gagnants des quizz par exemple), aux producteurs et artisans ayant participé à l’ouvrage, ainsi qu’aux élus et partenaires du Parc.

Ici, LEADER a permis la réalisation du projet via l’accord d’une subvention, aucune autre subvention ne permet de financer ce type de projet. Sans l’aide LEADER, le Parc n’aurait pu porter et financer seul ce projet.

Le caractère emblématique du projet

La stratégie locale de développement du GAL Gâtinais français vise à valoriser l’identité rurale du territoire pour en faire un moteur de la cohésion sociale et du bien-vivre. Le GAL encourage les actions qui permettent de mieux faire connaître et comprendre les productions emblématiques du territoire, mais aussi les métiers et les savoir-faire, le bâti vernaculaire et les matériaux traditionnels, les coutumes, l’histoire et tout ce qui caractérise le patrimoine local. Le caractère emblématique d’un livre de recettes à base de produits locaux réside dans sa capacité à capturer l’essence culinaire d’une région spécifique. Le livre Saveurs du Gâtinais permet aux lecteurs de découvrir la campagne Gâtinaise à travers des recettes et des portraits de producteurs locaux tout en valorisant d’une manière attrayante les plats traditionnels et les paysages locaux. Pour réaliser ce livre, un travail de recherche de recettes familiales et traditionnel a été réalisé en amont pour donner une touche plus personnelle à la fois savoureuse et culturellement significative. L’ouvrage Saveurs du Gâtinais représente un outil de sensibilisation sur la consommation de produits locaux : à travers des recettes simples et saines, nécessitant peu de matériel et des ingrédients accessibles, l’ouvrage invite les consommateurs à reconnecter leur alimentation aux produits de saison, à découvrir les productions du Gâtinais et les incite à prendre le temps de cuisiner et partager un repas convivial. Il permet ainsi de répondre au défi de redévelopper une alimentation saine, locale et de qualité, tout en valorisant le métier d’agricultrice et d’agriculteur. Ce projet peut être transféré à d’autres GAL, chaque Région, chaque Pays possède ses propres recettes, techniques de cuisines, ses propres productions emblématiques et donc ingrédients locaux. Les recettes locales et régionales sont souvent transmises de génération en génération. En les documentant dans un livre, on contribue à préserver ces précieuses traditions culinaires pour les générations futures. Mettre l’accent sur les ingrédients locaux, encourage également les lecteurs à soutenir les producteurs et les agriculteurs d’une région et encourages les lecteurs à découvrir ou à redécouvrir une région.


Parc naturel régional du Gâtinais français

GAL du Gâtinais français





The project « UPSIDE-DOWN HOUSE IN SMĀRDE PARISH » has created a new and unique tourism attraction in Latvia. What is an upside-down house? It can be considered a two-story family house with a kitchen, living room, bedroom, children’s room, bathroom, and toilet, and even an attic. From the outside, the house appears as if it has turned upside down, resting on its roof, creating the illusion that the floors are suspended in the air while all the usual items inside the rooms are in their normal positions. Not only is all the furniture inside the house upside down, but the construction includes a slight slope, which creates unprecedented sensations and challenges the sense of balance. The project has created a new and exciting tourist attraction but also contributed to the development of local entrepreneurship and generated three full-time job positions.

The project was developed at « Guntiņas » in Smārde Parish, Tukums County…

As a result of the project, a unique tourism service was created in Latvia, which is available all year round. In order to attract more customers and supplement the offered range of services, in addition to this newly created service, other offers have been created – mirror maze, tornado vortex, mini golf, in 2024 an upside-down garage with a car and various tools will be created.

As a result of the project, 3 new jobs have been created for local residents, including local youth are also employed in the summer. In 2023, the income from the facility will exceed 150,000 euros.

Emblematic character of the project

Priority – Innovations in the diversification of tourism services, reduction of seasonality

Within the framework of the strategy, the partnership especially supports projects that result in a new product or service that has never existed before. As a result of this project, a new service has been created on the scale of Latvia, because this type of tourism offer has never existed in our country. In addition to innovation, this project solves the main problem of the Latvian tourism industry – seasonality. The newly created service is not seasonal in nature – it is available and equally well enjoyed throughout the year. This is very important, because seasonality in tourism in Latvia is the main problem and it is a big challenge for entrepreneurs to create services that are not seasonal in nature.

Of course, in the summer, when it is vacation time and the number of tourists is higher, the number of visitors to the Upturned House is also higher, but when autumn comes, the Upturned House is visited by groups of students, work teams and other individual travelers. In order to attract visitors, the entrepreneur also organizes various thematic events for Halloween, Christmas, Easter, and also includes rooms for private events – birthday celebrations, seminars, etc.

Needs and challenges – creation of new jobs for local residents, promotion of the local area and promotion of recognition, creation of all-season tourism services,

The project has significantly contributed to the development and recognition of the local area, because:

1) The object popularizes the local area and promotes its recognition, because tourists from Latvia and abroad come to the area because of this unique object,

2) Tourists, in addition to this object, visit neighboring tourist objects, cafes, shops, accommodation in the area, thus other entrepreneurs also benefit,

3) The service is open all year round, it is not seasonal in nature, there is no similar service in the territory of Latvia;

4) The entrepreneur cooperates with other entrepreneurs by offering an expanded service offer and promoting the growth of local businesses (cooperation with the « Classic Car & Motorcycle Garage » museum, SIA « Šlokenbekas pils » and SIA « Apsīte » for catering service),

5) Providing local residents with 3 jobs,

6) The entrepreneur is actively involved in the activities of the local community, supports the local government within the framework of various events organized by the municipality – for example Smārde festival, Tukuma Rose festival.

7) The entrepreneur works in an environmentally friendly manner and cooperates with the Nature Protection Board, as the object is located in a specially protected natural area – Ķemeri National Park.

This project is a wonderful example of how a small amount of funding (65,000 EUR EDFLA) can have a big effect and solve important problems and challenges of the local area.

The experience is both about « catching » an idea (the businessman got the idea while visiting a similar house in Estonia and decided that he could create something like that on his small piece of land in the countryside), about cooperation with other entrepreneurs, about service development, change and creation of new offers for tourists it would always be interesting and the service would also be in demand in autumn, winter and spring.

Very good cooperation has also been established between the entrepreneur and the LAG, the municipality.

Thanks to the fact that this is a new (innovative) tourism service in Latvia, the entrepreneur did not need to spend a lot of money on marketing, because the media and tourism agencies themselves sought out the entrepreneur and wanted to tell the public about him and advertise.

The ability to see and transform what you see into your idea. Teaches how to realize an idea, ask for help if needed, be open and use opportunities!


Partnership for Rural and the Sea


Plateforme collaborative d’échange de services et de matériel entre agriculteurs sans sortie de trésorerie




Plateforme collaborative d’échange de services et de matériel entre agriculteurs sans sortie de trésorerie

Un système d’échange local, au service des agriculteurs :

• L’agriculteur trouve un confrère qui peut répondre à son besoin

• La prestation est chiffrée mais payée en échange d’un autre service

• Le service est rendu à n’importe quel agriculteur du réseau (monnaie interne)

Présentation du projet

Les sujets à évoquer sont entre autres :

• la localisation : Périmètre du Pays de Langres

• les éléments de contexte (besoin d’action / problématique) :

Agri-échange souhaite apporter des réponses aux problématiques suivantes que rencontrent les agriculteurs : hausse drastique du coût du matériel et des matières premières, manque de main d’œuvre, coûts de revient trop élevés, agriculteurs isolés.

• les objectifs :

• Il ne s’agit pas seulement de mettre en place un réseau mais de tester, évaluer et capitaliser toutes les étapes, afin d’essaimer par la suite sur d’autres territoires avec un modèle économique et de gouvernance abouti et pérenne.

• Tester la mobilisation des agriculteurs

• Tester les mises en relation entre agriculteurs

• Tester et mettre en évidence des fonctionnalités de la plateforme en ligne

• Evaluer en continu l’impact des transactions au niveau temps gagné, économique, lien social, environnemental.

• Communiquer

• les réalisations effectives ou attendues (dossier déposé le 05/02/2018) :

Agri-Echange a pu développer la première plateforme d’échange entre agriculteurs de travaux, matériel, main d’œuvre, matières premières sans sortie de trésorerie. Le concept de banque d’entraide a été testé, évalué et validé durant 5 premières années de lancement.

A ce jour, les résultats sont les suivants :

• 250 agriculteurs abonnés

• +1500 agriculteurs inscrits gratuitement

• Développement autour d’« Agri-Leaders » :

o Champagne Bourgogne Franche-Comté

o Saône-et-Loire, Allier, Nièvre

o Loiret, Seine et Marne

o Indre, Cher

• Perspectives de développement sur d’autres territoires : Rhône-Alpes, PACA, Languedoc Roussillon, etc.

Des impacts de taille :

• Gain de revenu grâce à la baisse des charges

o Exemple d’un agriculteur qui a augmenté son revenu de 500 € /mois en intégrant l’entraide dans sa gestion d’exploitation

• Résilience face à la météo : accès au bon outil au bon moment pour gagner en production

• Éviter d’acheter du matériel pour les Jeunes Agriculteurs

• Charge mentale soulagée : une solution en cas de panne

• Accès à du matériel moderne pour pratiques agroécologiques, test de nouvelles cultures sans risque

• Valorisation de cultures fourragères introduites dans les rotations, approvisionnement local pour les éleveurs

• Meilleure gestion du temps, déléguer ce qu’on n’aime pas faire, ou ce que l’on n’a pas le temps de faire

• Gain de temps sur la route et de carburant en cas de parcelles éloignées

• le rôle de LEADER dans le projet (financement, accompagnement, mise en réseau, etc.) LEADER a permis de financer la phase test, « preuve de concept », pour changer d’échelle, pour une innovation d’usage et non technologique. Une fois l’équilibre atteint sur le marché national, Agri-Echange mettra en place des échanges entre agriculteurs transfrontaliers au niveau européen et pourrait solliciter à nouveau des financements européens spécifiques à ce sujet.

Le caractère emblématique du projet

Dans la fiche action 2 de la stratégie LEADER « Favoriser l’émergence de nouvelles formes d’activités économiques » un des axes porte sur l’expérimentation de nouvelle façon d’entreprendre. Le GAL du pays de Langres est attentif à encourager les expérimentations tout en accordant le droit à l’erreur.

En sélectionnant ce projet, il s’agit effectivement de contribuer à répondre aux enjeux environnementaux pour un territoire qui souhaite s’inscrire dans une démarche de transition avec pour stratégie LEADER 2023-2027 :

• Comment le projet pourrait-il être transféré à d’autres GAL ?

Agri-échange souhaite tester cette mutualisation à d’autres territoires et serait partant pour sensibiliser et mettre en place le dispositif sur d’autres GALs.



GAL du Pays de Langres

Région Grand Est

« Open to Opan »



The famous artist from Stara Zagorje, Academician Svetlozar Nedev, organized and held a month of cultural, historical and natural heritage in the municipality of Opan under the motto « My Homeland » for the « Hristo Botev » Secondary School in the village of Opan. During the month, the following took place:

– four creative workshops in which the children got to know their past, natural features, folklore traditions, customs and costumes of the region and transformed and preserved them in paintings;

– children’s art festival with an exhibition of children’s works reflecting the cultural and historical heritage, traditions and customs in the municipality of Opan.

Presentation of the project

The project was implemented in the village of Opan, municipality of Opan. The children’s art festival with the exhibition and the creative workers took place with the students in the village of Opan. The event aroused strong interest and desire to participate in a large number of children, from whom two groups of twenty children were formed in each creative workshop. All participants in the creative workshops enriched their knowledge of the local cultural heritage and folklore and got acquainted with various painting techniques. There were 4 creative workshops:

– landscape painting: the participants got to know old typical houses in the settlement, which they turned into their drawings. They learned in a fascinating way important features of landscape painting;

– naturalistic painting: students got to know the history of burial mounds in the municipality of Opan and learned techniques for painting natural landscapes;

– abstract painting: the children learned how, through this approach, to create landscapes and reflect the cultural and historical heritage in the municipality;

– cultural – historical and folklore traditions: the participants in the workshop got to know the local folklore customs, traditions, costumes, after which they recreated them in their paintings.

To fulfill the main goal of the project, drawing materials were purchased for each of the creative workshops and for the children’s art festival with the exhibition, sound equipment for conducting the children’s art festival and advertising materials for the presentation and promotion of the activity and the results of the project.

The main objective of the project « Open for Opan » is to encourage the inclusion of the local population in common initiatives to preserve and popularize the local cultural, historical and natural heritage in the municipality of Opan.

The specific objectives of the project were:

– revealing the richness of the local cultural, historical and natural heritage by organizing and holding a month of cultural, historical and natural heritage in the municipality of Opan under the motto « My homeland »;

– promotion and preservation of the local cultural, historical and natural heritage in the municipality of Opan by organizing creative art workshops and a children’s art festival with an exhibition;

– increasing public interest through the exhibition of children’s works, reflecting the cultural and historical heritage, traditions and customs in the municipality of Opan.

The project « Open for Opan » is tailored and fully prepared in accordance with the set goals for the provision of non-grant financial assistance under sub-measure 7.1 « The territory of MiG Galabovo – Opan unites us » of the Strategy for VOMR of SNC « MIG GALABOVO-OPAN ».

Emblematic character of the project

The project is a priority for LEADER and in our strategy, because children and their development are a priority of society and LAG will work in their interest. Children are always and traditionally at the center of Bulgarian values. This is not a small amount to begin with, but more actions follow from our side, this is the foundation we intend to build on.

Childhood loneliness is becoming a new social problem. The project aims to improve the child’s development with the help of art, reveal and promote creative potential, improve motor-motor functions, develop heuristic problem-solving skills, promote self-expression, engage problem children and therapy through art, get to know different cultures forms, promoting tolerance.

With the implementation of the project proposal and learning of different painting techniques, getting to know the richness of the local cultural, historical and natural heritage, positive relationships with peers and social skills encouraged through play and entertainment were also built.

The project can be implemented in other places in Bulgaria and in Europe, thus contributing on a larger scale to improving the development of children.

It can be developed as a cooperation project under sub-measure 19.3 « Preparation and implementation of cooperation activities of local initiative groups » of measure 19 « Community-led local development » of the 2014-2020 PRDP.

Together we can handle anything and we mustn’t forget that.



LAG Galabovo – Opan
