at Council for Research in Agricultural and agricultural Economics-Centre for Policies and Bio-economy (CREA-PB, the former INEA)
Francesco MANTINO is a senior researcher at the Council for Research in Agricultural and agricultural Economics-Centre for Policies and Bio-economy (CREA-PB, the former INEA). He has long-standing research expertise in the broad field of CAP and regional development: structural changes, CAP policy analysis, rural development strategies at local level, development of lagging regions and peripheral/mountain areas, impact evaluation of CAP and Cohesion instruments and measures, analysis of fruits and vegetables CMO, etc.
He has carried out research projects and evaluation studies funded by several international organisations including the European Commission (funded by 7th ERFP, Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe, ESPON programmes, DG-Agri evaluation unit), OCDE, FAO and IFAD. At international level, he actively participated to several project missions in European Union countries and also extra EU (Armenia, Israel, and Latin American countries).
He led the INEA’s work on the reform of the EU Rural Development Policy and its implementation in Italy during four programming periods (1994-99, 2000-2006, 2007-2013 and finally 2014-20). He has been responsible for the Italian Networks for Leader II and Leader+. He took part in several European groups and think-tank focusing on the reform of CAP and its governance implications and needs for simplification.
He has been working as a consultant for a broad range of Italian institutions: the Ministries for Agricultural and Forestry Policies, Budget and Economic Planning, Department of Tourism, and finally many Regional Authorities.
He was editor of the journal Bio-Based and Applied Economics and is currently member of the Steering Committee of Eurochoices Journal. He is also a referee of several specialised journals in economic and social sciences (Bio-based and Applied Economics; Agriculture; Land; Sustainability, etc.)
He is the author of many scientific publications, including 6 books as an editor.
He has carried out research projects and evaluation studies funded by several international organisations including the European Commission (funded by 7th ERFP, Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe, ESPON programmes, DG-Agri evaluation unit), OCDE, FAO and IFAD. At international level, he actively participated to several project missions in European Union countries and also extra EU (Armenia, Israel, and Latin American countries).
He led the INEA’s work on the reform of the EU Rural Development Policy and its implementation in Italy during four programming periods (1994-99, 2000-2006, 2007-2013 and finally 2014-20). He has been responsible for the Italian Networks for Leader II and Leader+. He took part in several European groups and think-tank focusing on the reform of CAP and its governance implications and needs for simplification.
He has been working as a consultant for a broad range of Italian institutions: the Ministries for Agricultural and Forestry Policies, Budget and Economic Planning, Department of Tourism, and finally many Regional Authorities.
He was editor of the journal Bio-Based and Applied Economics and is currently member of the Steering Committee of Eurochoices Journal. He is also a referee of several specialised journals in economic and social sciences (Bio-based and Applied Economics; Agriculture; Land; Sustainability, etc.)
He is the author of many scientific publications, including 6 books as an editor.