Shielding Mountain Shelters – a bundle of 3 projects:
a. Shelter Spilios Agapitos-2.060 m.
b. Christos Kakkalos-2.648 m.
c. Ioannis Chasiotis, 1.050 m.
The rural area of Pieria is characterized by the existence of 2 major mountainous massifs: Olympus Mountain and Pieria Mountains. On these mountains there are several huts and shelters, constructed at several periods and under severe difficulties. These shelters are visitable throughout the year, but also acting as emergency shelters during the severe winter conditions that the shelters are not operating, providing accommodation and food.
Three of these shelters, 2 at Olympus Mt. (Spilios Agapitos-2.060 m. and Christos Kakkalos-2.648 m.) owned by Hellenic Federation of Mountaineering & Climbing and one at Pieria Mt. (Ioannis Chasiotis, 1.050 m.) owned by Greek Mountaineering Association of Katerini require important investments, at building level-including energy and water efficiency (PV and water tanks) and at equipment level-for modernization.
This bundle of 3 projects focus on improving the attractiveness of the area through the rational management of the natural environment, the development of related infrastructures, the upgrading of the local services offered, as well as the preservation and promotion of the environmental identity.
Presentation of the project
Project location : The 3 mountain shelters are based at Olympus Mountain and Pieria Mountains. These shelters are, 2 at Olympus Mt. (Spilios Agapitos-2.060 m. and Christos Kakkalos-2.648 m.) owned by Hellenic Federation of Mountaineering & Climbing and one at Pieria Mt. (Ioannis Chasiotis, 1.050 m.)
Elements of context (need for action / problem) : The 3 shelters have been constructed several decades ago, with difficulties (transfer of materials with mules) and without the possibility to use front line techniques and materials. Moreover, severe weather conditions at yearly level (extreme altidute and low temperatures-wind) but also spontaneously due to climate change (this year’s rainfalls in Greece have destroyed several of their infrastructures) have created several problems, also due to the high visitability and usage of the shelters’ equipment. The fact that these shelters are visited by thousands of visitors but also provide emergency and secure coverage during severe winter conditions, require to be at the best condition possible, both on the buildings but also on the equipment. With the implementation of these actions, the offered services are improved and modernized and the local economy is directly strengthened, from the visitation to the mountain.
- Strengthening the extroversion of the local economy and encouraging entrepreneurship in terms of quality and sustainability
- Strengthening the competitiveness of the local economy of the application area, through the modernization, the complementarity of the diversification of the production network and the integration of innovative tools.
- Improving the attractiveness of the area through the rational management of the natural environment, the development of related infrastructures, the upgrading of the local products and services offered, as well as the preservation and promotion of the cultural identity.
- Strengthening of cooperation structures and actions that contribute to the development of innovation in the field of technology and energy.
Actual or expected outputs : The project is a bunfle of 3 different projects. The 1st one Pieria Mt. shelter Ioannis Chasiotis, 1.050 m.) owned by Greek Mountaineering Association of Katerini, is under re-construction, expecting to finish during the summer of 2024 (due to the weather conditions is not easy to work during winter). The 2nd and 3rd , Olympus Mt. shelters Spilios Agapitos-2.060 m. and Christos Kakkalos-2.648 m., have been evaluated positively and are planned to be implemented during the non-winter periods of 2024 (due to the weather conditions is not easy to work during winter).
The implementation of the project will create the suitable conditions for the provision of upgraded services to the visitors, secure conditions during winter, energy efficiency (due to P/V systems) and water efficiency (due to rain tanks).
The role of LEADER in the project (funding, support, networking, etc.) : The implemented action was a funding action. It concerned the upgrading of the buildings, energy and water efficiency measures, with the supply of modern equipment, rescue equipment, weather control equipment.
Why is this project a priority for LEADER in your strategy? The implementation of the proposed project is consistent with the objectives of the local program as it is covering in full with the thematic direction dedicated to the exploitation, protection and promotion of natural resources, with priority on the exploitation of protected sites and the protection of ecosystems from external threats (mainly from human activity). Also, this thematic action includes the restoration and upgrading of features of the countryside that give added value to the intervention area, as well as environmental awareness actions.
How did the project address a major challenge in your strategy (e.g. demographic change, environmental issues, social issues)? The specific project addressed one of the three major challenges of our local strategy related to emphasizing the protection and promotion of the natural and cultural wealth of the region. Moreover, it supported the following priority of projects selection:
- the need to plan and implement significant additional interventions planned for the improvement of basic access infrastructure, the protection, promotion/promotion and utilization of the natural environment of the area,
How could the project be transferred to other LAGs? There are several mountain shelters in the intervention areas of LAGs in Greece and more importantly in all Europe. The operators of such kind of shelters could implement similar projects in order to ser e needs for renocation, for energy and water efficiency and for equipment modernization. LAG Pieriki has implemented similar projects in previous periods and have created the required know-how for such transfer. More importantly this could be the base for a future cooperation project.
Agapitos project :

Chasiotis project :

Kakkalos project :