Innovating Communities



Where:  The Southern Border Region in Ireland is mainly rural in nature and is made up of 6 administrative Counties, Donegal, Sligo, Leitrim, Cavan, Monaghan and Louth.  

Key Issues:  Concerns about impact of BREXIT on Border communities, social and economic marginalisation, need for greater endogenous development and social innovation.

Needs:  Better bottom-up problem-solving capacity leading to stronger social innovation in the region. Rural communities in the Southern Border counties are geographically distanced from policy making and centres of power. The need for communities to be able to respond quickly and effectively to challenges in areas like Climate Transition, Health Services, Mobility and food chains and weather patterns is now well established.

What is the answer: With appropriate training, communities can become better problem-solvers.

Innovating Communities” is a project aiming to enhance resilience, foster local development, and promote community-led initiatives across six participating Local Action Groups (LAG) areas spanning Donegal, Leitrim, Sligo, Cavan, Monaghan, and Louth. This is achieved by imparting Design Thinking, a creative problem-solving methodology, to community groups, businesses, and individuals through a series of facilitated courses tailored to address local challenges. The training adopts a ‘person-centred design’ approach, allowing for the identification of area-specific concerns and encouraging participants to explore innovative and sustainable solutions. Over the course of two and a half years, the Innovating Communities project has successfully trained 1,470 individuals within the Southern Border region of Ireland. Throughout this period, it has also addressed 227 local opportunities and 51 challenges proposed by community groups and individuals. These encompass a wide range of issues, such as securing studio spaces for an artist collective in Louth, revitalising town centres in Sligo, conserving rivers and lakeshores in Cavan, developing tourism-oriented recreation corridors in Donegal, countering village depopulation in Co. Leitrim, and promoting climate action, biodiversity, and sustainability in Monaghan. The project has trained 38 local individuals as co-trainers, ensuring the continuity of problem-solving expertise within the region beyond the project’s conclusion.

Presentation of the project

Innovating Communities is a LEADER Cooperation project that is funded under the LEADER

  • Cooperation element of the Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 and is the first of its kind in its Border region of Ireland. Innovating Communities aims to strengthen resilience, local development and community-led action in each of the six participating LAG areas across Donegal, Leitrim, Sligo, Cavan, Monaghan and Louth, by training community groups, businesses and individuals in Design Thinking – a creative problem solving process. The free training and mentoring in Design Thinking is delivered through a series of facilitated courses formed around a local challenge. Design Thinking is a 5 stage problem solving process: at Stage 1 you learn how to EMPATHISE with the people affected, at Stage 2 you DEFINE the challenge, at Stage 3 you are supported to develop IDEAS, at stage 4 you TEST these ideas and then finally, at stage 5, you MATERIALISE the solutions.
  • The training uses the ‘person centred design’ approach to identify topics important to an area and the training support helps people explore ideas and the best possible sustainable solutions. The project has found this to be a very efficient and democratic means of solving the most pressing issues, rather than the LEADER partner relying on potentially out of date desk research or census data. Innovating Communities is a ‘Social Innovation’ approach, and this method is best employed for responding to specific challenges and opportunities which require responses as opposed to more general development initiatives. The project is an Interterritorial cooperation initiative involving Monaghan Integrated Development CLG, Louth LEADER Partnership CLG, Leitrim Integrated Development Company CLG, County Sligo LEADER Partnership Company CLG, Donegal Local Development CLG and Breffni Integrated Development CLG.
  • After two and a half years of delivery, the Innovating Communities project has trained 1470 people across the Southern Border region in Ireland in problem solving techniques to support local community development and Social Innovation.
  • While doing this, over 227 local opportunities and 51 challenges that community groups and individuals put forward have been tackled locally. These include tackling challenges like finding studio spaces for an artist collective in Louth, breathing life back into a town centre in Sligo, considering rivers and lakeshores in Cavan, developing a recreation corridor for tourism in Donegal, tackling village depopulation in Co. Leitrim and supporting climate action, biodiversity and sustainability across Monaghan.
  • 38 local people were also trained as Co-Trainers during the process to ensure a legacy of problem-solving knowledge is maintained in the region after the training projects has concluded.
  • Over 70% of training participants agreed that taking part in the course has helped them with new ideas for their communities and the project successfully engaged high numbers of young people.

A LEADER Showcase Event to share the learning from the project was also held.

  • Todays rural challenges are complex & require new ways for communities to engage and problem-solve (i.e Climate Change, Migration, Smarter Villages etc).
  • The Innovating Communities (IC) project was designed to support communities to more effectively respond endogenously and creatively to local challenges and improve capacity in problem solving.
  • The project had the goal of addressing the key challenges for places in the region, to empower people to be part of the response and ideas, and broaden the ownership base of local strategies, plans and opportunities.
  • The IC project was focused on developing design-thinking skills in rural citizens, thereby providing them with the means to carry out evidence-based decision-making and empower them to take plans to the next step. ‘Design Thinking encourages organisations to focus on the people they’re creating for, which leads to better products, services, and internal processes…’, learning by doing.
  • Local community capacity to effectively engage in the development of their rural areas and to co-design solutions for a sustainable future is highly dependent on the capacity of community actors to problem solve and not get overwhelmed by emerging challenges. By viewing community challenges as issues to be worked through systematically and opportunities to be pursued is a more productive and manageable process for rural communities. The Innovating Communities approach can be used as a rural development template for effective rural community capacity building going forward.
  • Main Results for the IC project:
  • 1,470 people trained in problem-solving tools (Design Thinking)
  • 227 opportunities & 51 challenges identified by communities across the region
  • Many new cohorts engaged (i.e. Youth, Migrants)
  • High satisfaction rates of participants >90%
  • Over 70% of participants agree that taking part in the course has helped                                            them with new ideas for their communities
  • 38 local Co-Trainers to embed the legacy of IC in their communities
  • 878 young people trained in problem-solving skills
  • A LEADER Showcase Event was held to share the learning and the partners have also presented at national and international fora.
  • The project partners are very happy with the overall outcomes achieved for the project. Despite the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the timing and amount of in-person training, all 3 KPI targets were exceeded. The key learning from the project is that local communities when empowered to be solution seekers, are more than willing to play their part. The training has the dual effect of developing collective solutions to local rural challenges while also upskilling individuals as better problem-solvers for the future.
  • Is it sustainable?
  • With the LEADER / CLLD methodology, yes the IC approach is sustainable and can be replicated, but requires greater levels of investment in the ‘animation of the local rural community’. Its essence, the success of bottom-up approaches like Innovating Communities is highly dependent on sufficient funding being invested in the LEADER/CLLD methodology. There is significant scope for the IC approach to become more mainstreamed through demonstration of its use and impact. A much broader range of policy decisions could be better shaped using this co-design approach.
  • What are the main lessons we can learn from it?
  • Design Thinking (DT) fits very well with the LEADER developmental approach, SVs & the EU LTVRAs for Stronger, better Connected, Resilient and more Prosperous rural areas.
  • DT method adds value and strengthens the bottom-up approach and enhances the co-design principal where all have a voice
  • The project provided high levels of support to local groups and would-be innovators to move more confidently and creatively in the problem solving process
  • The IC process is very democratic and aims to animate and facilitate the rural population to solve the most pressing issues relevant at a point in time and encourages wider community engagement in the co-design process.

Hay drying in barns towards sustainable agriculture



Jean-Noël Landemaine took over his parents’ farm in 2003, which was run on 100 hectares of conventional land. The farm produced 15 hectares of cereals, 25 hectares of silage maize and 425,000 litres of milk. Jean-Noël quickly became aware of climate change and the decline in biodiversity; he could no longer continue to farm as his parents had done.

This questioning of the sustainability of his business prompted Jean-Noël to change his system to all-grass, and prompted him to think about his production methods as a whole, leading him to set up barn drying of hay. This method involves drying fodder at an early stage and over a short period. Harvested in this way, while still damp, the hay retains all its nutrients.

The dryer recovers warm air from under the roof; the heat is recovered by a fan and blown onto the pile of hay stored in bulk in the building. According to Jean-Noël Landemaine, “It was the best way out of everything I could no longer accept.

Presentation of the project

When Jean-Noël Landemaine took over his parents’ farm with his wife at Louverné in Chantrigné, a commune in the north of the Mayenne department, he was determined to break with the system handed down by his parents and relayed in training centres. The post-war system of silage maize for animal feed was called into question and disappeared, to be replaced by an all-grass system.

His sensitivity to the environment and the growing expectations of consumers for products from more sustainable agriculture are his main motivations for moving towards more sustainable farming, despite the fear of change.

As part of the transition to more sustainable farming, conventional barn drying of hay is the first step in demonstrating a sustainable system for the next generation. It shows that it is possible to improve the quality of work and protect the environment while maintaining the farm’s economic profitability. It is a springboard for conversion to organic farming, which will help to improve :

– water quality, by limiting leaching and reducing the use of plant protection products

– the farm’s carbon footprint, by reducing fuel consumption and plastic waste, and eliminating the need to import soya by boat. The hay retains its nutrients better with this new method, keeping the heifers in better health and, as a bonus, reducing veterinary costs. Farmers are also more independent when it comes to feeding their animals properly.

The first stage of the project involved planting grassland and then reducing the proportion of silage maize in favour of wraps. Work on the construction of the 1,000m² dryer and the installation of the forage claw will then get under way in 2019, with drying operations due to begin in 2020. The project also incorporates a dehumidifier to remove the air before passing it through the fan, thereby sending dry air under the hay, even in rainy weather. The water evaporated by the plant will be recovered to give the animals something to drink. This overhaul of the system is also accompanied by a programme to replant hedges on the farm. All these reorganisations are leading him to obtain organic farming certification in 2020. And Jean-Noël Landemaine didn’t stop there. Noting the reduction in his farm’s carbon footprint, he took his thinking as far as the carbon market and set up an association with the aim of remunerating farmers for their virtuous practices and financing the ecological transition. His current aim is to pass on his experience to young people in training centres, to help bring about change.

The overall investment in the dryer was very substantial for the farm, so Jean-Noël Landemaine went knocking on the doors of the banks. To reassure the investors and limit the bank loan, he asked the GAL Haute Mayenne to help him put together the LEADER grant application. In this case, European financial support was a real lever in bringing the project to fruition.

The emblematic character of the project

The project is fully in line with the strategy of the Haute Mayenne LAG, which aims to develop economically viable agriculture while contributing to major environmental issues. With this project, the Landemaine couple’s challenge has been to combine the economic equilibrium of the farm with a shift towards more sustainable agriculture.

Drying is a technique that is used in mountain areas by all the cheese AOCs (importance of hay for cheese-makers). Switzerland and Austria were pioneers in this technique, and the result is a certain quality of life: meadows rather than cultivated fields, no pesticides, etc.

The technique of drying in barns is still not widely used in Mayenne, particularly in northern Mayenne. The dehumidifier integrated into the dryer presented here is the most advanced version of this technique.

Around 85% of systems with dryers are installed on farms that are certified organic, so it is a special feature of this project that it was initially installed on a conventional system.

As Jean-Noël Landemaine has shown, the project to dry hay in barns can be transposed to all farms and adapted to all regions. Deploying this system is one of the farmer’s objectives.


GAEC de Louverné, Jean-Noël Landemaine et Marion Gardrat

Haute Mayenne

Pays de La Loire

Interterritorial cooperation project: « ecotourism in the natura 2000 network in Castilla – la Mancha » 



It is the trip to the best of nature in Castilla – La Mancha, recognized through our network of Red Natura 2000 spaces, with tourism companies committed to conservation and local development, and that have established a collaboration with the managing entities. of protected natural spaces, and whose common thread is the Recognition System for the sustainability of Nature Tourism in the Natura 2000 Network.  

Presentation of the project 

“ECOTOURISM IN THE NATURA 2000 NETWORK OF CASTILLA – LA MANCHA” is an innovative and demonstrative project that emerged with a vertical, bottom-up, comprehensive approach by linking to the Ecotourism Club in Spain, with the aim that the results of the cooperation project have continuity. The product and the experiences created will improve the use of natural heritage (natural spaces, geology, flora, fauna, landscapes) and cultural heritage (rock art, archaeological sites, transhumance, etc.), positively influencing the economy of the participating territories. Given the fragility of these spaces, it is necessary for tourism companies to apply good practices, which is why it is planned to implement the “System for recognition of the sustainability of nature tourism in the Natura 2000 Network”, designed by the General Subdirectorate of Biodiversity and Natural Environment of MITECO, together with the Secretary of State for Tourism. This system consists of a process of training and supporting companies to help them create their own ecotourism offer, while improving their costs and being more efficient, and informing their clients of how they can enjoy the spaces of the Natura Network. 2000. 35 tourism companies in Castilla – La Mancha have been able to take measures to make their activities more sustainable, and use the interpretation of natural and cultural heritage as a tool to configure ecotourism experiences (nature observation and photography, hiking, astrotourism, scientific tourism, geotourism, environmental education activities, etc.). The result has been that companies are better prepared and offer experiences that act as promotional elements for the participating territories. Its general objective has been to create the Ecotourism product in Castilla – La Mancha with tourism companies located in a network of regions with Natura 2000 Network spaces, and the participation of the environmental and tourism administration, to contribute to the sustainable development of the regions. involved, improving the profitability of small tourism companies and carrying out differentiated promotion of these regions to reach consumers. The cooperation project is aimed at the following recipients: small businesses and self-employed workers in the tourism sector, tourism managers, managers of Red Natura 2000 spaces and the local population. The Natura 2000 Network areas of application and that have joined the SRSTNRN2000 are the following: ZEC-ZEPA SIERRA MORENA (Ciudad Real. VALLE DE ALCUDIA); ZEC-ZEPA SIERRA DE ALZARAZ Y SEGURA AND CANNONS OF SEGURA AND MUNDO (Albacete. SIERRA DEL SEGURA AND SACAM); BONILLO STEPOPE ZONE SPA (Albacete. SACAM); ZEC – SERRANÍA DE CUENCA SPA (Cuenca. PRODESE); ZEC PLAINS OF OROPESA, LAGARTERA AND CALERA AND HUTS (Toledo. CAMPANA DE OROPESA); TIETAR VALLEY SPA AND ROSARITO AND NAVALAN RESERVOIRS (Toledo. CAMPANA DE OROPESA); ZEC-ZEPA ALTO TAJO (Guadalajara. MOLINA DE ARAGÓN-ALTO TAJO); ZEC-ZEPA MONTES DE TOLEDO (Toledo. MONTES DE TOLEDO; Ciudad Real. ENTREPARQUES); ZEC – SPA TABLAS DE DAIMIEL (Ciudad Real. ALTO GUADIANA MANCHA).  

The Project assumes that 33,950 km2 of protected natural spaces are under a Sustainable development and management model, covering 70% of the Natura 2000 Network of Castilla – La Mancha and 294 municipalities. 105 companies have been trained in Red Natura 2000, and more than 50,000 people have been reached on social networks.  

The LEADER approach has been the common thread in public-private collaboration at the local, regional and even national level, with collaborating entities of the Project at the national level being the Secretary of State for Tourism and the Ecotourism Association in Spain. At the Regional level, apart from the 9 participating Local Action Groups, there are the General Directorate of the Natural Environment and Biodiversity from the Ministry of Sustainable Development, the General Directorate of Tourism and Crafts of the Ministry of Economy, Business and Employment, and the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Rural Development that co-finances the Project (7%), together with the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (3%) and the EAFRD 90%.  

Innovative character of the project:  

  • Relationship of the EDLP of the participating GDRs with the objectives of the cooperation project, they have large areas of protected natural spaces in common.  
  • Innovative principle and demonstrative effect for any territory by applying a seal of sustainability and tourism quality at the national level, which contributes to the Sustainable Development of spaces and tourism companies (Accommodation and service companies), contributing to Sustainable Development.  
  • Objective of shared interest, prioritizing the conservation and local development of the territories.  
  • Public-private collaboration between the managers of the spaces and the companies that operate in those territories.  
  • Eligibility conditions: Technical assistance, training and territorial promotion.  
  • Framing of the actions to the associated priorities and focus area: 1 A, 1 B and 1 C. 4 A and 6 B.  
  • Scope of action: Regional. Applicable to any Territory.  
  • Beneficiaries: GAL, tourism companies, tourism managers, ENP managers and the local population.  
  • Network management. Common actions.  
  • Promotion and dissemination of the project.  
  • Coordinated execution control and monitoring system.  
  • Collaboration agreement and economic commitment.  


Innovation Network Kitzbühel (INK) 



The Innovation Network District Kitzbühel (INK) is a pioneering initiative fostering innovation and entrepreneurship at the regional level. Established in response to a study highlighting the Kitzbühel district’s lack of innovation, the INK collaborates with diverse stakeholders, including businesses, research institutions, and the local community. Addressing challenges such as a shortage of skilled labor and a dependency on tourism in the region, the INK aims to transform Kitzbühel into an innovative and economically robust place. INK serves as a networking hub, facilitating events, consultations, workshops, and initiating open innovation projects. Innovation managers play a key role in providing professionalized knowledge and community work. The physical hub, START.N in Kitzbühel, supports individuals with innovative ideas. INK launches initiatives like LOOT for young entrepreneurs along with mentoring programs and regional entrepreneurship events. The network actively showcases innovations in existing businesses, promoting sustainability through a circular economy. This holistic approach contributes to creating a desirable workplace and economic environment, fostering innovation and entrepreneurship across various industries. Integrated into regional management, INK ensures agile operations and effective networking to meet the needs of the target audience.   

Presentation of the project

The district of Kitzbühel is known to be an economically strong tourism destination. However, a study analyzing the region’s sustainability in terms of economic development showed the district of Kitzbühel’s scarcity of innovation and digitalization. Other innovation-related issues the region is dealing with are the high costs of living space and the resulting brain-drain and lack of employees. Also, a want for higher education or research institutions causes young people to move to surrounding bigger cities in order to study. A major part of local enterprises is either operating in tourism, trade, or crafts. There are very few industrial companies with sufficient resources to pursue a higher level of innovation power.  

Therefore, the regional development agency Regio-Tech Regionalentwicklungs-GmbH in cooperation with the local chamber of economy decided to initiate a platform for innovation. This platform promotes innovation through bringing the innovative regional companies together in a network and connecting with universities, research institutions and schools. In addition to supporting corporates, the INK itself regularly develops and implements innovative initiatives like Pitch Nights focusing on cooperation instead of financial investments, FuckUp Nights, Innovation Award, Mentoring Program or bringing entrepreneurship into schools via LOOT. Moreover, a dedicated physical space has been established as a local point for people with innovative ideas, exemplified by the START.N start-up center in Kitzbühel. 

Objetives :  

  • Promoting innovation in regional SMEs as well as the development of startups and therefore set the local industry up for the future. 
  • Create higher-value jobs and therefore increase the attractivity of the region for labor-force. 
  • Connecting various stakeholders (companies of all size, startups, population, economy chamber and other regional players) to drive innovation of all sorts: Social innovation, technological innovation, incremental as well as radical innovation.  


  • Over 63 events reaching over 800 local individuals. 
  • Supporting and accompanying over 135 founders and companies  
  • LOOT workshops with approx. 130 students from five different school types 
  • 90% occupancy rate in the startup center within the first year  
  • Four Pitch Nights were organised and offered 15 companies a stage 
  • A regional Innovation Award was established and will be presented for the third time. 
  • Building a community and connecting over 250 women for female empowerment (TRAUDI) 
  • A main benefit of the innovation network is the creation of a strong network which connects relevant actors within the region à exchange, cooperations 
  • Functioning as a lighthouse for the national GAP strategy  

LEADER plays a crucial role in empowering the project by providing essential financial resources. Additionally, it facilitates valuable network access, establishing connections not only within the immediate region but also fostering collaboration with other regions and projects. 

Emblematic character of the project

In the long term, the project will help to diversify the region’s economy and thereby strengthen it. This results in a contribution for all population groups, fostering an sustainable environment for work and business as well as strengthening the spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship in the region. By embedding the Innovation Network in regional management and LEADER, agile action and good regional networking of the innovation managers is ensured in order to meet the needs of the target group. 

The multi-actor approach connects stakeholders from economy, science, politics and population on a regional level. This fosters innovation and the development of new services and products in existing businesses as well as the emergence of new companies. This was achieved through open innovation, direct support, networking, different events and workshop formats. 

Importantly, the project’s model is transferable to other regions seeking to stimulate innovation through a network-based approach. When replicating the innovation network Bezirk Kitzbühel, the unique characteristics of each locality must be considered, particularly concerning key stakeholders. Nevertheless, the project’s activities hold promise for applicability in other regions facing similar challenges, providing a template for fostering innovation and sustainable economic development. 






Pitch Night

FuckUp Night

Regio-Tech GmbH 

LAG Regionalmanagement regio³ Kitzbühel 

Austria – Tyrol 

Green Garden Apartments

Czech Republic


The Green Garden Apartments were created in 2009 – 2010 by removing unused

greenhouses in a dilapidated horticulture farm in Mladá Vozice. On the resulting area, an

accommodation facility was built that inspires guests to a balanced and considerate

lifestyle. For example, it uses solar water heating, eco-friendly cleaning products and

offers direct contact with the green garden where guests can taste fresh fruit. The

apartments have created an informal gathering space for the local community. The project

allowed the accommodation provider to expand its services to include mediation

experiences. By being able to take guests around tourist attractions in the region, the

operator has created unique experience packages for different target groups, including

guests with limited mobility.

Presentation of the project

Apartments Zelená zahrada are located in southern Bohemia, in the village of Mladá

Vozice, where almost 3000 inhabitants live.

In 1991, the Dlouhy family bought a garden that had been lying fallow for several years.

After several unsuccessful efforts to revive it, the couple decided to find a new use for the

garden, and so the Green Garden Apartments project was born. The main philosophy of the

project is to actively connect guests with the region where the couple live and which they


In order to successfully develop a business that would respond to current trends in tourism

and the demand of a more demanding clientele, the Dlouhys lacked a transporter. By

acquiring it, they are now able to expand their services by offering experience packages that

they design with knowledge of the local environment and customs in a way that a guest

would not be able to put together. For example, transporting guests to Mount Blaník, where

they return to their apartments on scooters after exploring Blaník. An integral part of the

services offered is also the transfer of guests from/to the airport, the delivery of meals and

the transfer of guests to more distant cities for cultural activities. This removes the worry of

providing guests with their own vehicle and helps the accommodation providers to fulfil

their philosophy of an eco-friendly lifestyle.

The aim of the project was to extend services beyond the accommodation in the form of

experience packages and other services for the guests of the apartments.

In order to strengthen the local identity of the Dlouhý couple, their services are offered by

local entities: food producers, other service providers (masseuses, hairdressers, sommeliers)

and others. In addition to the above, they respond to the demand of the local population and

provide social spaces in the apartments for the local community to meet, for which they

organise, for example, yoga classes, handicraft training and lectures on healthy lifestyles.

Emblematic character of the project

The philosophy of the Aparmány Green Garden project fulfils the LEADER strategy by

creating a unique business concept with an emphasis on local identity and the environment

in a location with high but untapped tourism potential. The project has a positive impact on

the local community and uses local products and services.



LAG Krajina srdce, z.s.

Czech Republic 

Technology club Albrechtice nad Orlicí – Tékáčko 

Czech Republic


In 2018, the Technology Club – Tékáčko was established in Albrechtice nad Orlicí, designed for children and youth who are interested in creating new, interactive and fun projects, want to learn the basics of robotics, learn the processes of programming, orient themselves in graphic design and 3D printing, work with CNC tools, develop their creativity by building their own objects, or just understand in detail how modern technologies work and how to use them. It is not a classic “circle”, but a professionally equipped leisure activity – a practical workshop “from design to realization”, where children try, explore, discover, where they are not afraid to disassemble something, make mistakes and learn from them. 

The main method is teamwork on “projects”, the outputs are regularly presented, children participate in robotic competitions, etc. In addition to the regular “teaching” sessions, thematic workshops are organised, as well as suburban camps during the school holidays, which are attended by others interested in the subject. 

Presentation of the project

Project location: Albrechtice nad Orlicí, Královéhradecký kral, Czech republic 

Tékáčko is becoming a center of polytechnic education in the region, using new non-traditional forms of teaching and their combination with formal education. The breadth of equipment – 3D printing, cutting plotter, CNC milling machine, sandbox, graphic programs, digital sewing and embroidery machine, 3D scanner, robotic kits, programmable units or Lego model railways with programmable safety systems, etc. makes Tékáčko unique not only at the regional but also at the national level. This is evidenced by the inclusion of Tékáčko in the Regional Network for the Support of Talents, the results of children in various national competitions, and the fact that the Tékáčko project was selected for the presentation of IROP and the use of EU subsidies: 

The benefits of the project are not only for the participants of the Tékáčko activities themselves but also for the whole region, as the pupils “transfer” their knowledge and way of thinking and working to other children in the school and become their inspiration. Tékáčko is a place where children can not only realize themselves but also increase their professional knowledge and practical skills and thus significantly develop their competencies for the future labor market in the Industry 4.0 era.  

Impact on other groups in the region:  

– Citizens, entrepreneurs, and companies in the region: the existence of a modern club with facilities for the professional growth of pupils in non-formal education with a focus on technical fields and working with digital technologies.  

– Primary and secondary school pupils: the opportunity to join the club’s activities, to develop their talent in the field of polytechnics and thus better prepare for their future profession  

– Primary and secondary school teachers: inspiration for the use of technology in individual subjects, to learn how to work with it (preparing teachers for teaching robotics, digital literacy, etc.) 

 – The municipality of Albrechtice nad Orlicí: increasing its prestige in the region and becoming a leader in non-formal technical education  

– Employers who can in the future get ready and motivated employees from among the graduates of the club’s activities 

the role of LEADER in the project: 

MAS supports schools in the region also in the field of IT, robotics and technical education, the Tékáčko center provides methodological support to schools, trains pedagogues, and school pupils attend classes there. 

Tékáčko was also involved in the children’s camps project with the aim of helping working parents during the holidays. 

LAG also implemented a project to support non-profit organizations in Regoin, where Tékačko was one of 30 project partners. The project aimed to support gifted children, training of lecturers and sharing between organizations. 

Tékačka management are members of LAG and actively participate in LAG projects and activities. 

Emblematic character of the project

One of the LAG’s priorities is the support of quality outdoor education for the 21st century, the support of cooperation between organizations – here is the cooperation of LAG, non-profit organizations, municipalities and local companies. 

The aim is not to learn to master specific technologies, but to show the essence of things, to work in a team on “projects”, to help and inspire each other, and to discover one’s own talent. The use of modern technology thus serves to foster creativity, discovery, innovation. 

The club encourages pupils to avoid waste and to be environmentally friendly and sustainable. This year, for example, it purchased a recycler to process PLA/PETG waste from 3D printers. 

The project is LEADER’s priority because of supports children in acquiring technical knowledge because the region doesn’t have enough technically qualified schools. This leads to more kids being prepared for Industry 4.0. They also cooperate with many tech companies in the region. They combine the knowledge of older, more experienced people, and modern technologies, for the best result for the children. 

The project also comes as a hub for teachers, where they can get new knowledge about modern technologies. This can also be useful for other LAGs because they can collaborate.  

Finally, the project respects horizontal topics, it is wheelchair accessible, gender equal, and there are many girls in the club. It also promotes environmental responsibility. Overall, the project prepares young people for their future in the tech field. 


RG RYCON z.s. 

NAD Orlicí, o.p.s. 

Czech Republic 

La Chapelle Au Riboul, a village in transition



In the rural commune of La Chapelle Au Riboul, the municipal council, totally renewed in the last elections in 2020, is beginning a reflection on cooperation and citizen participation. It’s about co-building the commune project, working with the entire population, and not seeing elected officials as “knowing everything.” The aim is to draw up the outline of a land-use plan, a kind of compass that sets out the guidelines for the coming decade, as part of an eco-citizen and sustainable development approach, in line with Agenda 21. “Our reflection is conducted in cooperation to reflect together on the future of our village, its attractiveness, its development and our ecological transition.”

Presentation of the project

In the rural commune of La Chapelle Au Riboul, the municipal council, totally renewed in the last elections in 2020, is beginning a reflection on cooperation and citizen participation. It’s about co-building the commune project, working with the entire population, and not seeing elected officials as “knowing everything.” The aim is to draw up the outline of a land-use plan, a kind of compass that sets out the guidelines for the coming decade, as part of an eco-citizen and sustainable development approach, in line with Agenda 21. “Our reflection is conducted in cooperation to reflect together on the future of our village, its attractiveness, its development and our ecological transition.”

Le caractère emblématique du projet

La revitalisation des bourgs se trouve au

The emblematic character of the project

The revitalization of the towns is at the heart of the Haute Mayenne LAG’s strategy: it is to promote commercial, craft and medical recovery, to build social ties, to develop attractive public spaces, to facilitate mobility by promoting sustainable modes of transport… It aims to spread out by showing the possibilities for a village of 500 inhabitants to take an eco-citizen approach and begin its transition. 500 inhabitants invited to reflect and participate on the future of their municipality. With the will to emphasize the need for partnerships, cooperation and mutualization with other municipalities. The aim of this operation is to be a laboratory for experimenting with participatory democracy in rural areas and to serve as an example for other territories. After several study trips, municipal elected officials are fed by several very inspiring examples such as the town of Kingersheim, a pioneer in participatory democracy to lead its ecological transition, or other experiences in rural areas in the Creuse or Drôme. Today, the municipality enjoys media support because it is positioning itself as a “pilot” on the pooling of resources while retaining its identity. “We are a small drop that says it’s possible!”


Commune de La Chapelle Au Riboul

GAL Haute Mayenne

Pays de La Loire

Community Castle of Třemešek

Czech Republic


Transformation of the dilapidated and fire-destroyed cultural monument of the Třemešek Castle in Dolní Studénky into a lively community centre that will serve the entire LAG Šumperk countryside region. It includes a social enterprise, the Třemešek Café (which selling certified regional products), a family centre, a pilot social counselling centre for the LAG region, social housing and community spaces, which are widely used by associations not only from Dolní Studénky. LEADER/CLLD projects have fully funded the social café project and helped to provide equipment for the various spaces and run services across the castle. Several applicants were involved in the implementation of individual projects at Třemešek Castle. The LAG is therefore proof that community cooperation works not only in the development of the CLLD strategy but also in the development of a multi-fund project.

The community centre as a whole is innovative in:

• multi-fund financing method, which combines a spectrum of investment (ERDF+EAFRD+MF+Olomouc Region) and non-investment subsidies (ESF);

• application of pilot projects (e.g. shared social worker for 16 municipalities of the LAG region);

• the complexity of the target groups it targets and how it is able to bring them all together under one roof; which brings significant synergies.

Presentation of the project

Location: Třemešek Chateau, Dolní Studénky, Olomouc Region, CZ The region of LAG Šumperský venkov lacked a community space that would connect citizens from the LAG area across generations, a space with added value that would attract a wide range of target groups to use it actively.

Objectives: to create a multi-generational community centre in attractive premises that will benefit the region of LAG Šumperský venkov. Creation of new jobs. Role of LEADER: funding, networking, linking social service providers within the facility. The Třemešek Chateau (1587) is the cultural monuments. In 2007-2018 the building has functioned as a hostel for socially vulnerable citizens. In 2018, the building was destroyed by a fire. In spite of all the difficulties, an integrated multifund project combining a community centre, a family centre, 10 social and 7 rental flats, a social café and a space where citizens and associations from the village of Dolní Studénky and beyond can meet has been successful.

The community centre provides cultural and educational events, offers intergenerational gatherings of children, adults and seniors. The Family Centre runs a regular programme for young children with mothers, educational events for parents. There are clubs for older children and suburban camps. The premises are used by local citizens and interest groups such as SDH, community school, LAGs and TJ Sokol. The café employs mentally handicapped people who also live in the chateau. In the newly created premises there is also a social worker who helps not only the elderly from the 16 municipalities of LAG, thanks to the implementation of the project Accessible Social Counselling. The “LAGs work crew” was involved in the simpler construction works (one of the key projects of LAG) within the framework of accessible employment.

The biggest innovation we see is its complexity, as it impacts multiple target groups at the same time. The aim of the project is improving equality for all persons from different minority groups. One project has succeeded in providing new jobs for young people with intellectual disabilities. They have the opportunity to live within the same building. We have succeeded in bringing the issue of employment of people with disabilities to the wider public and in providing maximum support and cooperation to these people. Furthermore, the implementation of the project has enabled the active participation and return to society of mothers on maternity leave. The expansion of the services of the family centre has enabled the creation of several jobs for mothers with young children. The Family Centre staff regularly participates in charity collections to help vulnerable persons (mothers from Asylum Houses, Ukrainian refugees, persons with disabilities etc.) The newly created a social worker helps seniors and adults to prevent or resolve their adverse life situation. In addition, it has expanded the cultural character of the region, promoted tourism in the municipality, expanded the availability of social services for LAGs citizens, activated stakeholders/target groups and connected providers. Projects supported by LAG (5), otherwise 4 other grants.

• ERDF: CZ.06.4.59/0.0/0.0/16_074/0013254

• EAFRD: 20/004/19210/671/197/001314, 20/004/19210/671/197/001332

• ESF: CZ.03.2.65/0.0/0.0/16_047/0015914, CZ.03.2.65/0.0/0.0/16_047/0015962

Emblematic character of the project

It is an innovative integrated project that combines a number of target groups and is based on close partnership cooperation between the municipality and social service providers, non-profit organizations and social enterprises. The biggest novelty is the complexity of the whole project, which fulfils all the objectives of the CLLD LAG Šumperský venkov:

• It has created new job opportunities in the region.

• It connects and activates different target groups: children, elderly, disabled, socially weak, mothers on maternity leave, inclusion…

• Its services make the countryside more attractive to live in: offers services for which citizens usually have to travel to towns (social services, nice café, a family centre, housing…)

• Citizens know where to go if they have a problem: common social worker for the region

• Making the part of the village where the (formerly neglected) castle is located more attractive; a new very polupular venue for social/cultural events has been created; created a place where local communities and citizens can meet→ making the countryside more attractive to tourists and locals. Several entities are cooperating on the implementation of the project, and each applicant within the LAG had the opportunity to apply for subsidies and perhaps join the palette of projects under the roof of Třemešek Castle. We hope this project would be an inspiration and good practise for other LAGs. The castle is a unique example of the integrated fully multifund CLLD project both in the Czech Republic and the EU, combining all available CLLD funds (ERDF+EAFRD+ESF) and, at the same time, other EU, national and regional funding. It is also a very good example of cooperation of several key stakeholders as both project beneficiaries and, most importantly, social services providers which brings great synergies and complexity and quality of the social services delivered, moreover, in the innovative and inclusive way.


Municipality of Dolní Studénky, Dobroty z venkova s.r.o. (social

entreprise), Family Centre Vikýrek, z.s., PONTIS Šumperk o.p.s.

(provider of social care)

MAS Šumperský venkov, z. s.

Czech Republic 

World of Good People – Community Center

Czech Republic


Due to the project a new place for community gathering and organizing local support for socially excluded inhabitants was established in the town of Dobříš – the biggest town of our LAG (9000 people). We put together people who offer help with those who need it. In the community center we organize collection and distribution of food and other necessities (hygiene items, basic household equipment) for homeless people, families in threat of social exclusion, elderly people who live alone etc. We also provide so called community wardrobe where the community can bring clothes in good condition and those who need it can choose what fits them. For children we organize tutoring, leisure time activities (ceramic classes, sport and gaming activities) and also special kind of therapies (for children in poor psychological condition), such as canistherapy, therapy with horses. We also support peer activities where older children and youngsters work with younger (common baking and tutoring). A great help was organized in our community center for Ukrainian refugees – purchase and distribution of winterization items (pillows, duvets, kitchen equipment, mattresses), food, diapers, washing detergents among more than 200 refugees. We laso support intercultural activities such as comon cooking with Ukrainian comunity. 

Presentation of the project

The project – new and the only one community center in our region was situated to the town of Dobříš, which is a natural center of the Brdy-Vltava region consisting of 32 municipalities which are managed by our LAG. There was no such a place in the whole region before. Through our work we met a lot of people from our community who would like to do something for others, but there was no space for such activities. On the other hand, there were around 400 people living in our region who were threat of social exclusion. For example, homeless people did not have any place where they can wash themselves and do the laundry. All of these led us into thinking of creating a place where could offered help meet with those in need. This is also the main objective of the project. Immediate capacity of the center is 50 people. During the project from July 2020 till June 2023 in total 538 local inhabitants repeatedly used the services of the center. We organized for example 36 meetings of seniors, 120 creative art activities for handicapped people, 35 meetings and creative activities for Ukrainian refugees, 150 lessons of the Czech language, 25 creative afternoons for children, 25 English lessons for children, 21 psychological activities,19 sewing lessons, 7 common cooking days. Distribution of food and other equipment every week, laundry and shower for homeless people every week and lots of other activities with the local community. The possibility of having a key project in our strategy financed through CLLD was crucial to make our vision happen. We have a great community around our LAG and due to the project, we have now also a place where we can meet and organize what is needed at the moment. This place allows us to flexibly react on various situations concerning our community. The project is going on also in the new program period 2021+. 

Emblematic character of the project

Location: Austria/ Salzburg Pongau 

There has not be established any community center in our region which should collect and react on needs of community as a whole. That was the main reason why was this project chosen as a priority for realization by actors in region. Creation of community center is the reaction on main goal of LAG SCLLD – GOOD CARE SERVICES (social area) and on identified local need – Development of field social work including community social work. Concept of Community center with its broad focus on whole community was chosen as best tool for implementation of LEADER principles in LAG region. We are now closer to inhabitants. We can better work with them and we provide better and more targeted support for them. 

We live in very variable surrounding regarding to needs of people. The added value of our community center consists on its flexibility. It is also main challenge of LAG strategy – to be flexible in reaction on situations which are coming to us (mentioned as well in paragraph above in identified need in our LAG Strategy). We are trying out it and we hope we are successful in providing targeted help for people with their specific needs. 

We are ready to help other LAGs in realizing similar project and to provide them our experience. We do not see any problem with transfer of our community center concept to other LAG or other rural actors. The main precondition is only to have desire to help people in given community and to have community social worker/s who are educated how to work with community and of course to have suitable open space where community can meet. 


Psycholigical support to Ukrainian refugees. 

Meeting of partners of our LAG 

Nordic walking lesson 

First aid lesson for young mothers 

Sewing lessons 

Tasting Indian Cuisine 

Peer Czech language lessons for refugees 

Territorial Peer Review took place in our Community centre 

Tasting Mexican cuisine 

Tasting Indonesian cuisine 

Celebrating Ukrainian Bank Holiday 

Presentation of creative art program for handicapped people to the visit from Ministry of Social Affairs. 

Distribution of food and other kinds of support 

Creative art program for handicapped people 

Brdy-Vltava o.p.s. 

Brdy-Vltava o.p.s. 

Czech Republic 

Setting up a citizen wind farm in Mayenne



With a common concern to combat climate change, a group of citizens have formed an association to preserve living conditions on our planet and act in favour of future generations. Their project: to support the development of a wind farm in St Hilaire du Maine, Mayenne. The project is being carried out collectively, involving elected representatives, local authorities, local businesses and private individuals in the process, in order to communicate about energy savings and the development of renewable energies, and so create momentum.

Presentation of the project

In 2012, the town council of St Hilaire du Maine, located in the Communauté de Communes de l’Ernée en Haute Mayenne, wanted to develop renewable energies in its commune, with a view to involving local residents. For topographical and geographical reasons, their focus is on wind power. Following a call for tenders, the Abowind development company was chosen to install four wind turbines. The company’s remit includes carrying out site surveys, building the wind farm and marketing it. In 2013, the preliminary project was presented at a public meeting. It was well received by the local population and did not give rise to any difficulties with the landowners concerned.

Members of the La Luciole association for the development of renewable energies, specialising in solar power, who had campaigned several years earlier against the burial of nuclear waste on a site in Mayenne, took up the issue. They set up the “Vents citoyens” association, which quickly attracted around a hundred members. LEADER funding enabled some of the members to take part in training with the RECIT network (Réseau régional des Energies CIToyennes), giving them the keys to understanding how to monitor a project of this scale in the specific areas of wind power (the environment around wind farms, production-related issues, financing, etc.). This network also facilitated dialogue with other associations in the west of France involved in more advanced citizen wind farm projects.  The association’s citizen members work with a number of partners, such as Site A Watt and the Territoire Energie Mayenne joint association, giving them the expertise they need to discuss and negotiate with wind farm developers.

They also met with an “anti-wind turbine” association from Mayenne. In a cordial atmosphere, each party was able to express its points of view, and at the end of the discussions, the members of this association undertook not to intervene in this project because it is run by citizens. Similarly, the Vents Citoyens association is acting as a mediator with local residents regarding a number of nuisances.

Abowind obtained planning permission and an operating permit for the wind farm in July 2019. Negotiations then began to reach a consensus on the value of the wind farm between the developer and the association. This was set at €21 million, based on a production forecast of 25,300 MegaWatts. Vents citoyens set up a simplified joint stock company and financed the project to the tune of €1 million. Through the creation of CIERC (Collectif d’Investisseurs d’Energies Renouvelables Citoyennes – Citizens’ Renewable Energy Investors’ Collective), and a network of supporters that has grown over the years, 334 citizens are involved in the St Hilaire du Maine wind farm. They are joined by the municipalities of St Hilaire du Maine, La Baconnière, Ernée and the Communauté de Communes d’Ernée, as well as partners Territoire Energie Mayenne and Energie Partagée Investissement.

The developer is financing 3 million and the rest is financed by bank loans. Very recently, Abowind expressed its wish to sell its shares, and the association is currently seeking financing in order to own 100% of the wind farm.  Work will start in December 2020 and the wind farm will be inaugurated on 2 October 2021. The electricity will be bought back by Enercoop, a cooperative network that is donating €1 per megawatt-hour to the association to help it raise awareness among the general public.

The emblematic character of the project

The work of the Vents Citoyens association responds to a well-identified problem in the region, namely increasing dependence on resources and energy. The Haute Mayenne region is 65% dependent on fossil fuels, and the production of renewable and sustainable energy is fully in line with the Haute Mayenne LAG’s strategy in the face of environmental challenges. What’s more, citizen investment in this project is innovative, as it is the first wind farm to be run by citizens in Mayenne. The involvement of the public can be seen upstream, during and downstream of the project. Some of the association’s members have invested a great deal of personal time and effort in the project, training themselves to become experts on the subject. They are now being approached by other associations wishing to benefit from their experience.

 The project has been recognised by the “Energie Partagée” label for the quality and exemplary nature of its citizen-based approach. The association is not stopping there, as it is currently working on a 100% community wind farm project in the commune of Ernée. They are currently looking for an agreement on the land, but this just goes to show that the project can be transposed to any area.


Vents citoyens

Haute Mayenne

Pays de La Loire