Community Castle of Třemešek
Czech Republic
Transformation of the dilapidated and fire-destroyed cultural monument of the Třemešek Castle in Dolní Studénky into a lively community centre that will serve the entire LAG Šumperk countryside region. It includes a social enterprise, the Třemešek Café (which selling certified regional products), a family centre, a pilot social counselling centre for the LAG region, social housing and community spaces, which are widely used by associations not only from Dolní Studénky. LEADER/CLLD projects have fully funded the social café project and helped to provide equipment for the various spaces and run services across the castle. Several applicants were involved in the implementation of individual projects at Třemešek Castle. The LAG is therefore proof that community cooperation works not only in the development of the CLLD strategy but also in the development of a multi-fund project.
The community centre as a whole is innovative in:
• multi-fund financing method, which combines a spectrum of investment (ERDF+EAFRD+MF+Olomouc Region) and non-investment subsidies (ESF);
• application of pilot projects (e.g. shared social worker for 16 municipalities of the LAG region);
• the complexity of the target groups it targets and how it is able to bring them all together under one roof; which brings significant synergies.
Presentation of the project
Location: Třemešek Chateau, Dolní Studénky, Olomouc Region, CZ The region of LAG Šumperský venkov lacked a community space that would connect citizens from the LAG area across generations, a space with added value that would attract a wide range of target groups to use it actively.
Objectives: to create a multi-generational community centre in attractive premises that will benefit the region of LAG Šumperský venkov. Creation of new jobs. Role of LEADER: funding, networking, linking social service providers within the facility. The Třemešek Chateau (1587) is the cultural monuments. In 2007-2018 the building has functioned as a hostel for socially vulnerable citizens. In 2018, the building was destroyed by a fire. In spite of all the difficulties, an integrated multifund project combining a community centre, a family centre, 10 social and 7 rental flats, a social café and a space where citizens and associations from the village of Dolní Studénky and beyond can meet has been successful.
The community centre provides cultural and educational events, offers intergenerational gatherings of children, adults and seniors. The Family Centre runs a regular programme for young children with mothers, educational events for parents. There are clubs for older children and suburban camps. The premises are used by local citizens and interest groups such as SDH, community school, LAGs and TJ Sokol. The café employs mentally handicapped people who also live in the chateau. In the newly created premises there is also a social worker who helps not only the elderly from the 16 municipalities of LAG, thanks to the implementation of the project Accessible Social Counselling. The “LAGs work crew” was involved in the simpler construction works (one of the key projects of LAG) within the framework of accessible employment.
The biggest innovation we see is its complexity, as it impacts multiple target groups at the same time. The aim of the project is improving equality for all persons from different minority groups. One project has succeeded in providing new jobs for young people with intellectual disabilities. They have the opportunity to live within the same building. We have succeeded in bringing the issue of employment of people with disabilities to the wider public and in providing maximum support and cooperation to these people. Furthermore, the implementation of the project has enabled the active participation and return to society of mothers on maternity leave. The expansion of the services of the family centre has enabled the creation of several jobs for mothers with young children. The Family Centre staff regularly participates in charity collections to help vulnerable persons (mothers from Asylum Houses, Ukrainian refugees, persons with disabilities etc.) The newly created a social worker helps seniors and adults to prevent or resolve their adverse life situation. In addition, it has expanded the cultural character of the region, promoted tourism in the municipality, expanded the availability of social services for LAGs citizens, activated stakeholders/target groups and connected providers. Projects supported by LAG (5), otherwise 4 other grants.
• ERDF: CZ.06.4.59/0.0/0.0/16_074/0013254
• EAFRD: 20/004/19210/671/197/001314, 20/004/19210/671/197/001332
• ESF: CZ.03.2.65/0.0/0.0/16_047/0015914, CZ.03.2.65/0.0/0.0/16_047/0015962
Emblematic character of the project
It is an innovative integrated project that combines a number of target groups and is based on close partnership cooperation between the municipality and social service providers, non-profit organizations and social enterprises. The biggest novelty is the complexity of the whole project, which fulfils all the objectives of the CLLD LAG Šumperský venkov:
• It has created new job opportunities in the region.
• It connects and activates different target groups: children, elderly, disabled, socially weak, mothers on maternity leave, inclusion…
• Its services make the countryside more attractive to live in: offers services for which citizens usually have to travel to towns (social services, nice café, a family centre, housing…)
• Citizens know where to go if they have a problem: common social worker for the region
• Making the part of the village where the (formerly neglected) castle is located more attractive; a new very polupular venue for social/cultural events has been created; created a place where local communities and citizens can meet→ making the countryside more attractive to tourists and locals. Several entities are cooperating on the implementation of the project, and each applicant within the LAG had the opportunity to apply for subsidies and perhaps join the palette of projects under the roof of Třemešek Castle. We hope this project would be an inspiration and good practise for other LAGs. The castle is a unique example of the integrated fully multifund CLLD project both in the Czech Republic and the EU, combining all available CLLD funds (ERDF+EAFRD+ESF) and, at the same time, other EU, national and regional funding. It is also a very good example of cooperation of several key stakeholders as both project beneficiaries and, most importantly, social services providers which brings great synergies and complexity and quality of the social services delivered, moreover, in the innovative and inclusive way.

Municipality of Dolní Studénky, Dobroty z venkova s.r.o. (social
entreprise), Family Centre Vikýrek, z.s., PONTIS Šumperk o.p.s.
(provider of social care)
MAS Šumperský venkov, z. s.
Czech Republic
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Irena Osladilová · 29 November 2023 at 14h22
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