Jury vote: 1st place

VILLAGES OF PORTUGAL (LEADER Cooperation project) Portugal Introduction The “Villages of Portugal/Aldeias de Portugal” are an interactive and collaborative network of villages, based on sharing and using the methodology and principles of the LEADER approach for the co-construction of a development and valorization project for each village, based on its Read more…

Jury vote: 3rd place

Supporting mobility in rural areas French Guiana Introduction Making mobility accessible and overcoming the barriers of isolation – Auto-École Sociale Nomade turns the challenges of Guyana’s isolated regions into opportunities. Faced with remoteness and the limited development of transport, these communities find the driving licence a ‘sesame’ towards social integration Read more…

Interterritorial cooperation project: « ecotourism in the natura 2000 network in Castilla – la Mancha » 

Spain  Introduction  It is the trip to the best of nature in Castilla – La Mancha, recognized through our network of Red Natura 2000 spaces, with tourism companies committed to conservation and local development, and that have established a collaboration with the managing entities. of protected natural spaces, and whose Read more…