Ankommenstour Querbeet or Tour of arriving (all over the place) 



How can communities benefit from their own cultural diversity? The answer is our following project ‘Tour of arriving’: Beginning in 2017 a lot of special projects in seven communities have been created: Mayors, local associations, voluntary refugee carers and immigrants worked in the areas of culture, education and art together. Beside those community specific projects, the project bearer developed an annual program to support exchange and networking. 

School workshops, theatres, information tours concerning profession and education, discussion tables about immigration, regional effects of the EU or about tourism is just a small cutout of the created result.  

In summary this project  

  • brought different cultures together, 
  • rejected prejudices,  
  • developed perspectives for all people living in our area, 
  • created a positive way of thinking about cultural diversity.

Presentation of the project

Tour of arriving 

Nowadays almost every community is confronted with the challenge of how to support immigrants in general and in the next step how to benefit from their own cultural diversity.  

This project started in 2017 for 7 communities of the Salzburger Saalachtal in Austria. Shortly after the start the refugee crisis came up. This was the reason why this project became even a lot more important than planned at the beginning and all the volunteers played a big role in supporting the communities to handle this problematic situation. 

But how did this support look like? 

On the one hand a lot of special community projects in the areas of culture, education and art were created. Within those projects mayors, local associations, voluntary refugee carers and immigrants worked together. In summary over 2.500 people met, discussed and experienced diversity in a positive way. Examples for those kinds of projects are: 

  • workshops with schools, topics were racialism, extremism, radicalization and prejudices of immigrants 
  • school exhibition and workshops about Anne Frank with 1.500 students 
  • information tour about education and profession 
  • discussion tables about immigration, tourism, etc. 
  • discussions between politics and citizens about EU and its regional effects  
  • networking between immigrants and citizens who have been new to the community a few years ago according to the motto ‘my way to this region’ 
  • intercultural painting and theatre workshops 

On the other hand, an annual program was developed by the project bearer to support exchange and networking between all participants. For example: 

  • there was an annual presentation of all projects and results (theatre performance, painting exhibition, etc.) 
  • a film was created by a journalist from Syria together with a local filmmaker about all initiatives in 2017 

As a summary this was the right project about the right topic in the right place at the right time. The planned objects were outperformed by the positive effects of this project: 

  • reunion of different cultures 
  • support of local communities during the refugee crisis 
  • reduction of prejudices, social anxiety and worries  
  • perspectives for all people living in our region 
  • a positive way of thinking about cultural diversity throughout all areas (mayors, citizens, regional managers, locals, immigrants, volunteers, etc.) 

Emblematic character of the project

Regarding our LEADER strategy this project fulfilled our aim ‘common good’ and was an important topic to our action plan : it aimed the integration of people and developed actions to support the community. Especially equal opportunity and the reduction of interhuman barriers have contributed to the success of this project. 

The innovative aspects of this project were : 

  • the involvement, the networking and the development were implemented in a dynamic and flexible model 
  • communities, organizations, associations and locals were involved and all participants were able to present their ideas, interests and support  
  • immigrants were directly asked about their educational and cultural interests 
  • networking meetings established an intercultural platform for regional development   

Remains to mention that this project and its concept was already established in one other LAG (Pongau, Salzburg).


Salzburger Bildungswerk 

LEADER Saalachtal 

Saalachtal, Salzburg, Austria 

Motorikweg or ‘motorikpark’ 



How can two districts be connected by encouraging motor skills and motion? The solution is a motorikpark! 

24 exciting and very varied stations to encourage the motor skills have been built near to the river Saalach in the village of Saalbach. The stations combine on the on hand agility and fun and on the other hand the distracts ‘Jausern’ and ‘Saalbach’ with free entry.  

Presentation of the project

24 exciting stations based on a concept created by sports scientists have been built near to the river Saalach in the village of Saalbach (Salzburg Austria) to encourage the motor skills. Its length is about 3,5km.   

The stations combine on the on hand agility and fun and motivates people of all age groups to move and exercise and on the other hand it combines the distracts ‘Jausern’ and ‘Saalbach’ with free entry. 

The stations are so creative that it’s hard to describe, but maybe the following station names can offer a brief insight: 

  • Spider web 
  • Fishing 
  • Kite surfing 
  • Water skiing 
  • Slalom 

It is used as popular destination by families, associations, school classes and also even by the retirement home nearby and professional athletes. With those unique and very varied stations which inspire really everyone to test their own agility skills the motorikpark should be a model for all future parks, trails, stations, etc. to be built in the region. 

Emblematic character of the project

This project supports our strategy in the point of common good: a meeting point to experience fun as a community was built and almost as an aside it is a basis to make two districts grow together.  

As it is with free entry and concepted for all age groups it fits perfectly to LEADER. 



Other photos (© 

BäderPark GesmbH Saalbach 

LEADER Saalachtal 

Saalachtal, Salzburg, Austria 

Gemeinschaftsgarten Pachamama or ‘Community garden Pachamama’ 



This project created a community garden in the city center of Saalfelden. When you hear the word garden, you might think about a small area with a few flowers and maybe one tree – but this project was implemented on a field which has the plane of a soccer field and reminds more on a park as of a garden.  

In particular it is used by the children of the kindergarten located nearby, but it is also visited by school children and other groups on demand.  

The aim was that the children have a place in the nature to meet, play and learn the cycle of nature.

Presentation of the project

This project created a community garden in the city center of Saalfelden. When you hear the word garden, you might think about a small area with a few flowers and maybe one tree – but this project was implemented on a field which has the plane of a soccer field and reminds more on a park as of a garden. The new community garden consits of 

  • various vegetables 
  • berry bushes  
  • ten fruit trees 
  • a raised-bed garden 
  • compost point  
  • a garden house with garden tools 
  • a possibility to reuse rainwater 
  • a greenhouse 
  • playground elements (swing, sandbox, podium) 
  • seat possibilities 
  • insect hotels 
  • nest boxes 

In particular it is used by the children of the forest kindergarten located nearby. It supports their healthy development: experiencing the nature is now possible and the rythm of the garden year provides stability.  

Besides that they learn how to plant on their own, how to eat healthy and how to reproduce plants.  

So in summary the projects contributes to the important topics nature conservation (biodiversity and a green plane in an urban environment), climate protection, regional nutrition and a sensitive approach to raw materials.  

The garden is also visited by school children and other groups like neighbours, parents, grand-parents, associations and farmers who can teach the children details about gardening.   

The main focus of the project was that the children (who live there in an urban environment) have now a place in the nature to meet, play and learn the cycle of nature

Emblematic character of the project

This project contributed to our strategy in the aspects of common good in a very positive way: On the one hand it supports community and social experiences, on the other hand it forms the basis for a regional nutrition.  

The positive outcome of this project can motivate others to implement a community garden as well and there is already an idea of a following up project: creating a community field in cooperation with local farmers.  


Association Bewegtes Lernen 

LEADER Saalachtal 

Saalachtal, Salzburg, Austria 




Pashu is a pre- and intervention project for children of kindergarten and elementary education age. Together with pupils, a wide variety of materials were developed on the topic of children’s rights. The topics of protection against domestic violence, bullying and exclusion, as well as separation, divorce and poverty were taken up particularly intensively. 

Presentation of the project

Location: Austria/ Salzburg Pongau 

Need for action: Especially during the pandemic, it became clear how important it is to increase the resilience of children and young people and to facilitate their access to support when they are affected by problems (e.g. domestic violence) and to start this prevention work at an early age. Although anchored in the early childhood curricula, there have been no working materials on the subject of children’s rights. 


Various materials were lovingly developed together with peers, including a children’s book, which was subsequently published in 9 languages, a hand puppet, a puzzle, a memory game, a wooden board game, a song and an accompanying book with technical instructions for everyday kindergarten life. 

For each regional kindergarten, a paintable box was filled with the materials. The boxes were distributed to the kindergartens and the educators were informed, trained on the topic of children’s rights and problem situations in childhood, and supervision for particularly difficult topics was offered. 

In addition, trained staff were available to offer impulse workshops on the topic and workshops on specific topics (e.g. exclusion in kindergarten, domestic violence) 


Improvement of knowledge and as a result of the assistance/protection provided by educators in difficult life situations, making children’s rights visible and their implementation in everyday life 


supports us in the background with the financial management of the project and is available as a networking partner and multiplier of the project idea and children’s rights 

Emblematic character of the project

  • The children’s rights have been ratified by Austria, but the idea that children have been provided with specially named rights is often viewed very skeptically, especially in rural areas- the same applies to attitudes towards the use of violence as a means of education. From partisan work with children and young people, we know that many crisis situations can be traced back to traumas experienced at an early age. That’s why it was important to educate, to start a conversation and to build more problem-solving skills. Both the pandemic with its isolation periods, as well as a rising political inclination towards the new line of hardship in education, put a particular strain on children. 
  • Easily, all the materials are designed by us and could be used to be  implemented in the work with children in kindergarden and beginning of elementary school  

MutMachen Pongau-lungau 

LAG Lebens.Wert Pongau-Tennengau

Austria- Pongau 

“Bodenkoffer” (soil suitcase) – healthy soil assessment toolbox with app



Soil health and sustainable soil use are becoming increasingly important for the production of regional and high-quality products. The soil’s capacity to store carbon and water has a positive impact on nature and climate. The healthier, the looser and the more revitalised agricultural land is, in turn, the less fertilizer is needed. As a result, there is also a higher crop harvest. 

Across Europe, there is a high demand for tools and opportunities to raise awareness about soil and sustainable soil management. It is important to inform the general population about agricultural issues in an understandable way. In particular, farmers who pay close attention to their soil are better able to cope with weather fluctuations and long periods of dry weather. 

To help farmers and the general public to learn more about their soil, the project « Bodenkoffer » (soil-suitcase, soil-kit) was developed by a team in the LEADER region of “Oberinnviertel-Mattigtal”. An assessment toolbox with an app, known as « Bodenkoffer » was created. The tool enabled numerous farmers to independently carry out the analysis of their agricultural soils and green areas. Chemical, biological and technical analysis methods are used to examine the soil in 10 stations with the soil-kit. The data from the analyses can subsequently be recorded digitally via a smartphone app or written down in the enclosed instruction book. The evaluation of the results is available immediately after the data has been transmitted. An individually developed course programme was offered to the farmers for a correct use of the soil-suitcase. The course programme was carried out by 15 to 20 soil ambassadors of the region in small groups on site. 

Through the developed soil-kit with app, farmers received professional tools to be able to analyze their agricultural fields and green areas of the region independently. 


The project is located in the LAG Oberinnviertel-Mattigtal, Austria, UpperAustria, 5280 Braunau am Inn – but now after 3 years there are 300 soil-suitcases being used in many LEADER regions in Austria, Bavaria, South Tyrol, Luxembourg and El Salvador. 

Elements of context : 

To see how the Bodenkoffer « soil-suitcase » works please go to : – here you can see videos to all 10 steps and what the purpose of every single step is. 

Objectives : 

The project « Bodenkoffer » (soil-suitcase) aims to help farmers to gain a better understanding of their soils. The importance of sustainable and soil-friendly farming for the future should be strengthened. 

Target groups of the project are farmers who want to improve their agricultural land and green areas and interested people who want to become soil ambassadors in the region. In addition, the general population is regularly informed about the project and its progress. This should enabled by accompanying public relations measures. The aim here is to raise people’s awareness and sensitivity to the importance of sustainable soil farming. 

The better a farmer knows his soil, the better he can respond to environmental extremes and reduce pesticides and fertilizers while still producing a high crop output. 

Actual or expected outputs : 

The project has increased awareness of soil health. 

Furthermore, the project « Bodenkoffer » (soil-suitcase) has shown positive effects in dealing with natural resources and the cultural heritage. The project ensures the preservation of small-scale agriculture. Maintaining small-scale agriculture is important for the preservation of diversity in production and the responsible use of resources. 

240 soil-suitcases are being used in Austria, Bavaria, South Tyrol, Luxembourg and El Salvador. The developed tool has been adopted by other LEADER regions, including the LEADER region « Mitten im Innviertel », « Sauwald-Pramtal » and « Mühlviertler Alm ». Organisations in the field of regional development and nature-climate protection such as « REGIS Raeticon » and « KLAR Gölsental » are using the tool as well. The soil-kit is also used in many agricultural schools in Upper Austria, Carinthia, Lower Austria, Tyrol and Bavaria. For example, a graduate of an agricultural school brought a soil-suitcase to South America for her voluntary social year in 2022. At the Burghausen-University-Campus, the soil-suitcase is also used in classes. 

The role of LEADER in the project (funding, support, networking, etc.) : 

BR Ferdinand Tiefnig as the former chairman of the LEADER-region Oberinnviertel-Mattigtal asked the team if it could be possible to start a project for soil-health. 

After several meetings 4 people were found who started to develop their idea of a Bodenkoffer-soil suitcase. DI Hermann Pennwieser, DI Elisabeth Murauer, Norbert Ecker and Ulrike Kappacher are these 4 people who developped the Bodenkoffer and who are still in regular contact for further improvement

Presentation of the project

Soil health and sustainable soil use are becoming increasingly important for the production of regional and high-quality products. The soil’s capacity to store carbon and water has a positive impact on nature and climate. The healthier, the looser and the more revitalised agricultural land is, in turn, the less fertilizer is needed. As a result, there is also a higher crop harvest. 

Across Europe, there is a high demand for tools and opportunities to raise awareness about soil and sustainable soil management. It is important to inform the general population about agricultural issues in an understandable way. In particular, farmers who pay close attention to their soil are better able to cope with weather fluctuations and long periods of dry weather. 

To help farmers and the general public to learn more about their soil, the project « Bodenkoffer » (soil-suitcase, soil-kit) was developed by a team in the LEADER region of “Oberinnviertel-Mattigtal”. An assessment toolbox with an app, known as « Bodenkoffer » was created. The tool enabled numerous farmers to independently carry out the analysis of their agricultural soils and green areas. Chemical, biological and technical analysis methods are used to examine the soil in 10 stations with the soil-kit. The data from the analyses can subsequently be recorded digitally via a smartphone app or written down in the enclosed instruction book. The evaluation of the results is available immediately after the data has been transmitted. An individually developed course programme was offered to the farmers for a correct use of the soil-suitcase. The course programme was carried out by 15 to 20 soil ambassadors of the region in small groups on site. 

Through the developed soil-kit with app, farmers received professional tools to be able to analyze their agricultural fields and green areas of the region independently. 


The project is located in the LAG Oberinnviertel-Mattigtal, Austria, UpperAustria, 5280 Braunau am Inn – but now after 3 years there are 300 soil-suitcases being used in many LEADER regions in Austria, Bavaria, South Tyrol, Luxembourg and El Salvador. 

Elements of context : 

To see how the Bodenkoffer « soil-suitcase » works please go to : – here you can see videos to all 10 steps and what the purpose of every single step is. 

Objectives : 

The project « Bodenkoffer » (soil-suitcase) aims to help farmers to gain a better understanding of their soils. The importance of sustainable and soil-friendly farming for the future should be strengthened. 

Target groups of the project are farmers who want to improve their agricultural land and green areas and interested people who want to become soil ambassadors in the region. In addition, the general population is regularly informed about the project and its progress. This should enabled by accompanying public relations measures. The aim here is to raise people’s awareness and sensitivity to the importance of sustainable soil farming. 

The better a farmer knows his soil, the better he can respond to environmental extremes and reduce pesticides and fertilizers while still producing a high crop output. 

Actual or expected outputs : 

The project has increased awareness of soil health. 

Furthermore, the project « Bodenkoffer » (soil-suitcase) has shown positive effects in dealing with natural resources and the cultural heritage. The project ensures the preservation of small-scale agriculture. Maintaining small-scale agriculture is important for the preservation of diversity in production and the responsible use of resources. 

240 soil-suitcases are being used in Austria, Bavaria, South Tyrol, Luxembourg and El Salvador. The developed tool has been adopted by other LEADER regions, including the LEADER region « Mitten im Innviertel », « Sauwald-Pramtal » and « Mühlviertler Alm ». Organisations in the field of regional development and nature-climate protection such as « REGIS Raeticon » and « KLAR Gölsental » are using the tool as well. The soil-kit is also used in many agricultural schools in Upper Austria, Carinthia, Lower Austria, Tyrol and Bavaria. For example, a graduate of an agricultural school brought a soil-suitcase to South America for her voluntary social year in 2022. At the Burghausen-University-Campus, the soil-suitcase is also used in classes. 

The role of LEADER in the project (funding, support, networking, etc.) : 

BR Ferdinand Tiefnig as the former chairman of the LEADER-region Oberinnviertel-Mattigtal asked the team if it could be possible to start a project for soil-health. 

After several meetings 4 people were found who started to develop their idea of a Bodenkoffer-soil suitcase. DI Hermann Pennwieser, DI Elisabeth Murauer, Norbert Ecker and Ulrike Kappacher are these 4 people who developped the Bodenkoffer and who are still in regular contact for further improvement.  

Emblematic character of the project

Why is this project a priority for LEADER in your strategy? 

The Bodenkoffer-Soil-Suitcase is perfect for our rural developement – all the farmers in our LEADER-region can rent the Bodenkoffer and work with it. It is also an important project for our environment. If the farmers have a good knowledge of their soil and if they know how to treat it right they can save plant protection products and fertilizers. 

How did the project address a major challenge in your strategy (e.g. demographic change, environmental issues, social issues)? 

The Bodenkoffer addresses our strategy in several issues as nature protection, village development, education, local supply, economy and agriculture. 

How could the project be transferred to other LAGs? 

The project of the Bodenkoffers/Soil-Suitcase have already been transferred to other LAGs like: 

LEADER-region « Mitten im Innviertel », « Sauwald-Pramtal » and « Mühlviertler Alm ». Organisations in the field of regional development and nature-climate protection such as « REGIS Raeticon » and « KLAR Gölsental » are using the tool as well.  

LAGs in Bavaria like LEADER-Rottal-Inn as well as in more than 10 offices of Food, Agriculture and Forestry which belong to the Bavarian State Ministry. 

The soil-kit is also used in many agricultural schools in Upper Austria, Carinthia, Lower Austria, Tyrol and Bavaria. For example, a graduate of an agricultural school brought a soil-suitcase to South America for her voluntary social year in 2022. At the Burghausen-University-Campus, the soil-suitcase is also used in classes. 


BR Ferdinand Tiefnig 

LEADER Oberinnviertel-Mattigtal 

Austria – Upper Austria 




In March 2016, the Bamberghaus at Getreidemarkt 3 in Wolfsberg was transformed into a

marketing platform for regional producers under the name « Haus der Region », a project

funded by the EU-LEADER programme. For this purpose, selected rooms of the

Bamberghaus were adapted by means of extensive construction and furnishing measures

and converted into a vinotheque with an integrated gourmet shop. In addition to the

excellent wines of the Lavanttal winegrowers. In addition to the excellent wines of the

Lavanttal winegrowers, the Haus der Region gives regional direct marketers space to

present and market their high-quality products.

Presentation of the project

The « House of the Region » is located in the centre of the municipality of Wolfsberg. In the

course of the project, the house was revitalized and converted into a regional shop. About

170 regional producers (farmers, direct marketers, artisans and social institutions) offer

about 1700 products (food, handicrafts, souvenirs). The comprehensive regional product

range ensures the individual, needs-oriented compilation of gifts, which are lovingly

wrapped and also delivered by appointment.

In addition to the sale and tasting of Lavanttal specialities, various events are planned and

carried out in the « House of the Region » with the involvement of partner companies to raise

awareness of the topics of regional products, health and sustainability (theme workshops,

product tastings, lectures, readings, seminars, workshops).

A focal point in the shop is the vinotheque, where many wines from the regional winegrowers

are presented and sold.

The « House of the Region » is run by the Lavanttal Employment Initiative in cooperation with

the Public Employment Service (AMS). The initiative was set up to help people looking for

work (women returning to work, women 50+, etc.) to re-enter the labor market. Labor market

integration includes, for example, qualification measures, consulting and coaching services

as well as job placement. Since the start of the project, over 100 people have already been

placed in the labor market through this initiative.

Due to the success of the project, the « Genussladen St. Paul » branch was opened in April

2021 as part of another LEADER project.

The two project locations now generate an annual turnover of around half a million euros,

with the added value flowing entirely into the region.

The following can be defined as project objectives: regional value creation and circular

economy, revitalization of the town centre, expansion of the tourist infrastructure, local supply facility, expansion of employment opportunities and reduction of the unemployment


LAG Regionalkooperation Unterkärnten played a key role in the development of the projects.

In addition to providing the network, active support was provided during implementation.

LEADER funding laid the foundations for the implementation of these projects with supra-regional appeal.

Emblematic character of the project

In its conception, the House of the Region made a significant contribution to promoting

regional and cross-sector networking. A continuous exchange between producers and close

cooperation with partners from the fields of culture, tourism and gastronomy ensure the

success of these projects.

The implementation of projects such as these strengthens the circular economy and thus

reduces the region’s ecological footprint. The local economic cycle and increased regional

added value make the region more resilient to other markets.

Through cooperation with the Austrian Public Employment Service, this also leads to the

creation of jobs and thus to an improvement in the labor market situation, especially for

older job seekers and the long-term unemployed.

This project can be implemented as often as required if there is product diversity or small-scale agriculture in a European region.


LBI – Lavanttaler Beschäftigungsinitiative



 » Live well, work well 

Up-secured? Social security for women in rural areas »



Farms make a valuable contribution to the regional food supply. Good social and financial security is needed to ensure that living and working on farms remains attractive for young people. However, female farmers still receive a pension that is far below the poverty line after a busy working life. The project aims to encourage a joint dialogue on the topic of social security for women in agriculture and to work together with experts to develop new solutions for concrete improvements.*

Presentation of the project

Especially in times of crisis, such as corona or the climate crisis, it becomes clear how important a regional, sustainable food supply is. In order to secure the valuable work in this sector, attractive jobs in agriculture are needed so that more people decide to work and stay in agriculture again. However, many people in agriculture do not have sufficient social and financial security – women in particular are affected by this. At €823 per month (2022), the average old-age pension of female farmers is well below the poverty line. As a result, they are often heavily financially dependent on their husbands. The issue of social security is very far-reaching: What is the ownership structure of the farm? What are the financial risks in the event of a separation? Who makes major financial decisions on the farm? Caring for close relatives is also still mainly done by women – in addition to working on the farm. This can lead to a massive multiple burden. 

In-depth interviews with women farmers were used as a first step to determine the extent to which the women themselves have already addressed the issue, what individual solutions they have been able to find for themselves and where there are obstacles to improvement. Through the discussions with the women farmers and experts, it is now possible to work out where internal hurdles exist, but also where political changes are necessary so that all those working on the farm can be well protected. In addition, best practice examples are to be identified that can serve as a guideline for other farms.

Another fundamental aspect of the project is the dialogue between female farmers in Salzburg’s Pongau and Lungau regions in order to raise awareness of the relevance of the topic. In our financial education workshops for female farmers, we encourage open discussions among the participants and provide an important impetus to gain more clarity about one’s own situation and thus create good security in all phases of life. The results can also serve as a basis for decision-making (e.g. Do I want to live and work on the land and in agriculture?).

Finally, the project also aims to draw public attention to the low pensions of female farmers. The issue of social security is to be discussed as an issue for society as a whole, as it is also set out in various international goals and strategies (e.g. UNDROP, Agenda 2030 sustainability goals).

Our project in the Lungau and Pongau regions was financed by LEADER. The lively exchange with LEADER Lebens.Wert Pongau-Tennengau helped us to concretise the project and was also a valuable help in implementing the project correctly as a LEADER project. The project is being run in cooperation with the LEADER Biosphäre Lungau region in order to reach a larger target audience and recognise similarities and/or differences in the regions.

Emblematic character of the project

Good social security is an important basis for deciding to stay on the land and enter agriculture. Social security for women in particular plays an important role in the LES. Above all, we want to keep young women in the region.

The situation of Austrian women farmers in Austria has been surveyed every 10 years since 1976. The latest final report dates from March 2017 and was commissioned by ARGE Bäuerinnen and compiled by KeyQUEST Marktforschung in collaboration with the Federal Institute of Agricultural Economics. Financial and social security was not covered in the report. Furthermore, at the start of the project, no similar projects could be found that dealt with the financial situation of women farmers and offered educational programmes in this area. The carefully conducted interviews and the exchange with each other in protected spaces can make it easier for women farmers to describe their very personal experiences. With creativity and imagination, new ideas and projects should be taken up, developed and realised for the regions. Best-practice examples will be identified that can be transferred to other farms and other regions.

Many young people, especially women, are migrating from rural regions to cities, where they have easier access to well-paid work with adequate social security. Nevertheless, farms can offer valuable living space and jobs if the basic requirements are met. Attractive jobs in agriculture also ensure a regional supply of high-quality food in the long term.

A decisive factor in improving the financial situation of women farmers is sound financial education, where women can find out about their options. The findings of this project and the resulting financial education workshops for women farmers can also be applied and implemented in other LEADER regions.


ÖBV Salzburg – Via Campesina Austria – Berg- und Kleinbäuer_innen Vereinigung 

LEADER Lebens.Wert Pongau-Tennengau


eCarsharing KUUSK



The increasing importance of sustainable mobility and the increasing use of electric

vehicles formed the starting point for the e-Carsharing project in Kufstein and the

surrounding region. The goal was to promote environmentally friendly transportation,

reduce dependence on fossil fuels and make individual mobility more efficient.

Over and beyond is the introduction of the e-Car sharing program in Kufstein and the

region intended not only to improve individual mobility, but also to make a sustainable

contribution to the environment and strengthen the regional economy.

Presentation of the project

roject goals:

Promoting electromobility: The provision of electric vehicles aims to promote the use of

low-emission vehicles to contribute to reducing air pollution and CO2 emissions.

Efficient use of resources: The car sharing model enables optimal utilization of vehicles,

meaning fewer vehicles are needed overall. This contributes to resource efficiency and

better urban spatial planning.

Improving the traffic situation: By promoting car sharing, the number of vehicles on the

roads is reduced, which reduces traffic congestion and improves the traffic situation.

Promoting the regional economy: The project was intended to strengthen local economic

actors and gives companies and small communities the opportunity to make their

employees mobile without having to own a fleet of vehicles


Vehicle fleet: A fleet of electric vehicles is stationed in strategic areas in Kufstein and the

region. The vehicles include different sizes and types to meet the different needs of users.

Charging infrastructure: A network of charging stations is now set up in the city and

surrounding areas to ensure smooth use of electric vehicles.

Digital Platform: A user-friendly mobile app or website has been developed to facilitate

vehicle booking, payment, vehicle tracking and other relevant information.

Cooperations: Partnerships with local companies, universities and communities are sought

to support the project and increase acceptance among the population.

Sustainability and assessment:

Environmental assessment: Regular review of the ecological impacts of the project to

ensure that the environmental objectives set are achieved.

User Feedback: The continuous collection of user feedback was used to improve the

Services and respond to users’ needs.

Scalability: The project was designed in such a way that it can be successfully expanded to

other cities and regions.

The role of LEADER:

Regional management plays a crucial role in the successful implementation and long-term

success of an e-Carsharing project. Here are some of the key areas where regional

management plays an important role:

Coordination and networking:

Regional management was responsible for coordinating all stakeholders, including local

governments, businesses, universities and non-profit organizations. It promoted the

collaboration between these partners to ensure seamless integration of the e-Carsharing

system into the existing regional infrastructure.

Location selection and infrastructure planning:

Regional management played a key role in selecting strategic locations for charging

stations and car sharing stations. It should be ensured that the infrastructure meets the needs

of users and is well integrated into the regional transport network.

Public relations and promotion of acceptance:

The regional management was responsible for raising awareness of the e-Carsharing project

among the population and highlighting the advantages of electromobility. Information

sessions, training and marketing campaigns were organized to encourage adoption and


Regulations and approvals:

It was the responsibility of the Regional Management to ensure that all legal and regulatory

aspects of the e-Carsharing project are considered. This includes permits for charging

stations, road traffic regulations and possible tax incentives.

Monitoring and evaluation:

Regional management was responsible for the continuous monitoring and evaluation of the

project. This includes reviewing environmental impacts, collecting user feedback, and

adjusting the project based on insights gathered.

Scalability and Sustainability:

Regional management ensured that the e-Carsharing project is not only successful locally

but can also be transferred to other regions. It can encourage the development of standards

and best practices to facilitate project scalability.

Overall, the role of regional management is crucial to ensure that the e-Carsharing project

in Kufstein and the region is successful and has long-term positive effects on mobility, the

environment and the economy.

Emblematic character of the project

In the local development strategy 2014 – 2017 it was anchored that a regional mobility

concept should be developed, and, in this process, an expanded range of environmentally

friendly mobility options has been created.

A climate-neutral mobility option was created for all age and professional groups and the

need for such measures was anchored in the minds of the population through awareness[1]raising and sensitization.

The project to rent e-cars quickly and easily by using an app can be successfully expanded

to other cities and regions. The basic structures were successfully created with this project

and nothing stands in the way of continuation.

In our region, the fleet has already been expanded to 14 vehicles and the number is

increasing. The project is popular with young and old and will continue to be expanded and

adapted to the increasing demand of the population in the future.


Stadtwerke Kufstein GmbH

Regional Management KUUSK


’t Stationnetje Hurdegaryp (een nieuwe ontmoetingsplaats voor jongeren)



 The goal of the project was the development of a new meeting place for young people in the age group 14 – 28 year in the small village of Hurdagaryp, situated in the province of Fryslân. Discussions with young people made clear that there was an urgent need for a place where young people can realize their individual dreams and ambitions on their path to education, work and entrepreneurship. This place must be a safe haven where young people can do homework under supervision, where they can ask for help and advice, but also where they have the opportunity to grow and develop themselves. 

This has led to the transformation of the vacant train station building in Hurdegaryp into a valuable social facility, known as ‘t Stationnetje (the little train station). This station is run by the village youth and offers a place where they can make a stop on their journey towards self-development and further growth. 


The youth have designed a three-track plan: 

Track 1: Towards education. 

Track 2: On the way to work. 

Track 3: On the road to personal development 

Track 4: On the way to sport and personal health. 

A track takes 80 hours in six months. Each of these tracks has its own unique properties and possibilities. It is important that participating youth have the freedom to change tracks or make a transfer, because sometimes there is more than one path to success. It is not about making the right or wrong choice when choosing your path, but about the will to actively get started and move forward. At the end of a track participants receive an official certificate that they can add to their CV. 

The success of the project has acted as an incentive for surrounding villages to replicate this approach. 


Historic vegetable garden restored to its former glory and function 



The historic vegetable garden of Castle De Haar comes to life again! A group of people formed a foundation to restore the garden and make it supply food again. The garden is operated according to the concept of ‘community supported agriculture’ by a professional gardener, with the support of many volunteers from the (urban) environment. In addition, the wall greenhouse, which was a way to improve yields in the 19th century, is being restored with a visitors area. Also part of the project is the development of an education programme and an open air classroom in the garden, so both young and old can learn about the production of sustainable food. 


This project is truly a ‘bottom-up’ initiative that serves several goals: it is inclusive, connects the city with the countryside and reconnects people with each other and with how food is produced. In addition, it breathes new life into the cultural-historical heritage and provides employment. 


The former vegetable garden of castle De Haar in Haarzuilens was out of use for a long time. Nature conservation organization Natuurmonumenten became the owner when the castle was privatized. Natuurmonumenten, the municipality and the castle foundation then decided to bring the vegetable garden back to life. Natuurmonumenten invited inhabitants of the area to come up with a plan for the garden. A group of volunteers stepped forward and formed a foundation (Stichting Moestuin de Haar) and a plan for the garden.  

Goals of the plan are to reconnect the village with the castle, to create awareness about the cultural heritage, to reduce the ecological footprint of food, to enlarge social cohesion by self-harvesting and to educate people of all ages about local food. This way the garden should (re)connect the (people of the) village Haarzuilens, the city of Utrecht and the countryside through and with fresh, local food.  

Key to the plan is that the garden is operated according to the concept of ‘community supported agriculture’ by a professional gardener, with the support of many volunteers from the (urban) environment. The gardener builds a customer base and checks with them what their preferences are. The customers then collect the food by self-harvesting. Part of the harvest is sold to ‘passers-by’. Volunteers help in and around the garden. Connecting the garden to schools and other entrepreneurs is also an important element of the plan.  

To create a good basis, the plan is executed in phases: a first phase in which the garden was cleared and made ready to produce food, a second phase in which all the elements are created to run the garden as a cost-covering CSA and a third phase of further developing the garden.  

The second phase is the LEADER-project. Objectives and outputs of this phase are first of all the restoration and/or creating of facilities such as the wall greenhouse, which was a way to improve yields in the 19th century. Together with owner Natuurmonumenten, the municipality, architects and volunteers, they will recreate this wall greenhouse which will also incorporate a visitors area. Secondly, an objective is to restore the paths of the garden. Thirdly, some investments were made in machines for working the garden, cooling produce etc. Fourthly, a communication and education plan was made for telling the story of the historical garden and the production of food. School projects, an ‘open air class room’, regular newsletters and garden-related activities are organized as part of this plan. Also they cooperate with the castle by making a visit to the garden an extra element in a visit to the castle.  

The role of LEADER was first of all networking and support from the LAG in preparing the project plan and providing useful tips and connections. They then applied for LEADER-funding which was granted. During the running of the project, the LAG stays in touch, gives feedback when things run differently than planned and supports in communicating about the project, for instance by this short film: 

The emblematic character of the project

By the production of food in a historical context, this project restores the relationship between the garden, the castle and the village of Haarzuilens and with the urban dwellings closeby, an expansion area of the city of Utrecht. Strengthening the urban-village-rural relationship is the main goal of the LEADER-strategy for 2015 – 2022. Involving people from the cities and villages, provides economic opportunities for rural businesses but also raises awareness for the rural landscape, nature, environment and communities. And awareness creates involvement, so the countryside is valued more for its qualities and is less regarded as ‘spare space’ for the cities.  

This project really connects people from the city with the people from the nearby village and connects them with the production of healthy food and with cultural heritage (‘genius loci’). The fact that the foundation has shaped the new business as ‘community supported agriculture’ also contributes to social inclusion as well as knowledge and awareness of the importance of locally produced food and reducing the footprint of our food.  

For other LAG’s the set-up of a CSA-model on a historical location can be of interest. From the start, the volunteers have chosen a very methodical, professional approach to set this up and they started very early with communicating with the village and surrounding urban areas. This greatly improved commitment and therefore the chances of success. Also the public-private partnership with the municipality Utrecht and Natuurmonumenten was important, as the revival and reuse of historic sites always provides challenges in finding a balance between new functions and historical values. But they have made it work! 
