« Together we learn and create »
We live in an extremely dynamic century in which all people must have equal opportunities and chances for life. In our hectic everyday life, we meet individuals with different destinies, from different ethnicities, with different social status, and it is important to learn to live and work TOGETHER with them.
The project « Together we learn and create » brought together children of different ethnicities from the municipality of Svilengrad. For 3 years, they studied, created, played and formed friendships TOGETHER. Joint performances, various holidays, sports events, concerts, exhibitions, educational camps, etc. were held. Children’s free time during vacations was made meaningful and negative public attitudes were overcome. Equipment, sports teams, scenery, dolls, bicycles, musical instruments, folk costumes, uniforms, etc. were purchased. In 2021 and 2022 7 (seven) educational camps were held, in which more than 200 children participated.
All kindergartens, as well as children from various schools, sports clubs and NGOs participated in the project.
A total of 1,937 children participated in the various activities, and 399 of them are representatives of vulnerable groups.
The project was implementedby the leading organization Municipality of Svilengrad together with the partners: Football Club « Euroroma », « Sports Club-Izida-Svilengrad », Football Club « Svilengrad 1921 ».
Presentation of the project
Project location:
The activities of the project were realized on the territory of the municipality of Svilengrad, Bulgaria. All 5 kindergartens took part in the performance, as well as children from various schools, sports clubs and NGOs.
Elements of context:
Ensuring access to quality education and socio-economic integration are among the main priorities for the development of the municipality of Svilengrad. Through the implementation of the project, an important, socially significant problem for the territory is solved.
The main objective of the project was to help children from marginalized groups to become full-fledged citizens and achieve social and creative realization.
Implemented activities and achieved results:
1. Encouraging communication between children of different ethnicities through joint educational activities. Creation of an art studio « Under the rainbow » in Kindergarten « Detelina » and holding classes on safe driving on the roads.
2. Encouraging communication between children by conducting joint performances:
– Theatrical studio « Fairy magic » in Kindergarten « Detelina »;
-« Spring holiday » and « Christmas holiday » in Kindergarten « Radost »;
– « Enchanted nature » holiday in Kindergarten « Zornitsa »;
– « Tell me a story » holiday at the « Sun » Kindergarten .
3. »I love the Bulgarian language »: the additional preparation for acquiring knowledge of the Bulgarian language and conducting a thematic holiday « I love the Bulgarian language » in the Kindergarten « Snezhanka ». Holding a « Festival of letters » in Kindergarten « Radost »
4. Preservation and development of cultural identity. Conducting joint cognitive sub-activities related to the lifestyle and culture of the Bulgarian ethnic group, with the aim of the easy inclusion of children from marginalized groups. The Music Studio was established in the Kindergarten « Detelina » and several feasts were held in different Kindergartens.
5. Encouraging communication between children of different ethnicities by holding sports events. The purpose of this activity was to support the spiritual, physical and social development of children, as well as a healthy lifestyle. Sports holidays were held in Kindergartens “Radost”, Sports holiday « Fun wonderful games » in Kindergarten “Zornitsa”, Holiday « Funny sport » in Kindergarten “Snezhanka”. Sports Week and 4 tournaments were held.
6. « Let’s sing and dance together ». Holding a concert on a large stage in the “Prosveta 1870” Primary School with the participation of children from all kindergartens from the municipality, included in the project and organizing an exhibition of the works that the children created during their studies in the studios.
7. Creation of a football group at FC Euroroma, project partner.
8. Creation of a dance group « The differences of cultures ».
9. Organization of educational camps. Organization and conduct of foreign camps for children from different ethnic communities.
10. Conditions have been created for the development of communication and creative skills and the equipment of the Multifunctional Room in the Kindergarten « Detelina ».
The role of LEADER in the project
The project was implemented under the Strategy for CLLD of LAG Svilengrad Areal with support of the Operational Program « Science and Education for Intelligent Growth » 2014-2020 (ESF+), as part of implementation of CLLD and LEADER approach.
Emblematic character of the project
In the modern world, education plays an important role in both the life of an individual and society. This is one of the most important factors for the progress of individuals, as well as a key criterion for the economic growth and democratic development of the country and the world.
LAG Svilengrad-Topolovgrad is an association that works to increase the quality of life, including the quality of education, in the municipality of Svilengrad. The project « Together we learn and create » provides conditions for the early integration into the education system of children and students from marginalized groups, ensures conditions for access to quality education, improves material conditions, increases the number of integrated students, preserves and develops their cultural identity and ensures environment to overcome negative public attitudes.
The project solves an old and significant problem in a new and interesting way. This emblematic problem is among the leading ones for our territory, and at the same time its solution is among the EU’s development priorities. Through the implementation of the project, an accessible educational environment for active social inclusion is created. The project can serve as a model for Bulgarian schools to build a tolerant environment – one in which the next generations will be built. Through creativity, sports and games, children forget differences and together create a better learning environment. The main idea is to use the already accumulated experience for the development of integrated and inclusive communities in which the children of the future and of a united Europe study, create, play sports and grow.

Municipality of Svilengrad
LAG Svilengrad – Topolovrag