The digital tools for innovative services at Jaunauce Manor.
In the project “The digital tools for innovative services at Jaunauce Manor” an application called « Vārti » was created at Jaunauce Manor – an augmented reality digital exhibition. It is an innovative solution that helps castle visitors visualize those art objects that historically were located in the castle but are no longer preserved or are now in European museums. In the virtual exhibition of the castle halls, visitors can view 12 paintings and eight busts that were located in Jaunauce Manor in the 19th century. The most outstanding art collection of that time in the Courland province was found here, including works by old masters like Raphael and Leonardo da Vinci, as well marble busts created by the “sculptor Bertel Thorvaldsen, and other works. The collection belonged to Baron Theodor von der Rop.Historically, Jaunauce Manor’s hall also hosted celebrations of the von der Rop family. The developed application allows you to see the 3D format of the 1833 and 1915 manorial ball dances, including the waltz, and masquerades in the attire of that era. The project provided the opportunity for Jaunauce Manor to develop a high-quality, contemporary, and innovative solution to explore the cultural heritage of Jaunauce Manor, which educates and inspires people of the 21st century.
Presentation of the project
The project was implemented in Jaunauce parish which is one of the least populated places in Saldus district – 112 inhabitants (data as of 20.06.2023). Jaunauce is located 15 km from the Lithuanian border, more than 100 km from Riga. One of the longest distances to the administrative center of the county – 47km. Until the submission of the project, digital tools were used in Latvia only in the capital Riga – in 3 museums. The 4th museum is located in Jaunauce.
By developing the tourist offer of Jaunauces Castle, using modern methods, the development of Jaunauces Castle is promoted, thus giving the opportunity to preserve one of the most significant tourism objects of Saldus region and resilience of local municipality. In the future, it could create new jobs and promote the attractiveness of the place, which in turn could encourage the return of young people to Jaunauce parish.
Emblematic character of the project
The keywords of the strategy are cooperation, local resources, innovative use of cultural and historical heritage.
The Leader project mitigates at least 4 THREATS defined in the strategy – the emergence of new outskirts without development opportunities, because the project ensures development, both the potential of the cultural and historical monument – Jaunauce Castle, and the potential of tourism development will be used, and new tourism products and services will be created.
The project provides innovations and is original – for the first time in the territory of the LAG, an augmented reality exposition will be created – it is able to visualize non-existent objects that were once in the castle. Information about cultural heritage is presented according to the 21st century. technological possibilities, which are very important for attracting children and young people.
In the strategy, projects that are innovative at the strategy level in the territory of the local action group are considered innovative projects, the connection of cultural and historical heritage with innovations is emphasized.
Jaunauce Castle’s example of good practice is a good source of inspiration, a model and a place for consultation for managers of other historical buildings. The application arouses interest in other palace services.

Association Mēs-Jaunaucei
Association « Saldus District Development Association”