Gemeinschaftsgarten Pachamama or ‘Community garden Pachamama’
This project created a community garden in the city center of Saalfelden. When you hear the word garden, you might think about a small area with a few flowers and maybe one tree – but this project was implemented on a field which has the plane of a soccer field and reminds more on a park as of a garden.
In particular it is used by the children of the kindergarten located nearby, but it is also visited by school children and other groups on demand.
The aim was that the children have a place in the nature to meet, play and learn the cycle of nature.
Presentation of the project
This project created a community garden in the city center of Saalfelden. When you hear the word garden, you might think about a small area with a few flowers and maybe one tree – but this project was implemented on a field which has the plane of a soccer field and reminds more on a park as of a garden. The new community garden consits of
- various vegetables
- berry bushes
- ten fruit trees
- a raised-bed garden
- compost point
- a garden house with garden tools
- a possibility to reuse rainwater
- a greenhouse
- playground elements (swing, sandbox, podium)
- seat possibilities
- insect hotels
- nest boxes
In particular it is used by the children of the forest kindergarten located nearby. It supports their healthy development: experiencing the nature is now possible and the rythm of the garden year provides stability.
Besides that they learn how to plant on their own, how to eat healthy and how to reproduce plants.
So in summary the projects contributes to the important topics nature conservation (biodiversity and a green plane in an urban environment), climate protection, regional nutrition and a sensitive approach to raw materials.
The garden is also visited by school children and other groups like neighbours, parents, grand-parents, associations and farmers who can teach the children details about gardening.
The main focus of the project was that the children (who live there in an urban environment) have now a place in the nature to meet, play and learn the cycle of nature.
Emblematic character of the project
This project contributed to our strategy in the aspects of common good in a very positive way: On the one hand it supports community and social experiences, on the other hand it forms the basis for a regional nutrition.
The positive outcome of this project can motivate others to implement a community garden as well and there is already an idea of a following up project: creating a community field in cooperation with local farmers.

Association Bewegtes Lernen
LEADER Saalachtal
Saalachtal, Salzburg, Austria