Quinta de Travassinhos – Agroturismo (Agrotourism)
“Quinta de Travassinhos” is a rural tourist accommodation (TER – Turismo em Espaço Rural) development in the agrotourism modality, located in Santa Marta de Penaguião, in the Alto Douro region. The rehabilitation process of the farm, which dates back to the 18th century, was supported by LAG Douro Histórico, through the LEADER Measure of the Mainland Portugal Rural Development Program. The space currently offers 9 accommodation units, living and dining room, kitchen, leisure space, SPA and outdoor pool.
Presentation of the project
This project aims to respond to the need, increasingly felt in the region, to offer quality and differentiated tourism units in the municipality of Santa Marta de Penaguião, more specifically in the village of Sanhoane.
This project considered the following opportunities:
– High international notoriety that Portugal, as a tourist destination, experiences;
– Recognition of the Alto Douro Wine Region as a world heritage site by UNESCO;
– Growing demand for tourism products based on “experience/discovery”;
– Increased demand in the areas of wine tourism, ecotourism and entertainment activities;
– Growing interest in regional products (gastronomy, wines…);
– Increase in the number of visitors to the Douro Region and demand for quality tourism;
– Search for destinations that allow contact with nature and rurality;
– Positive tourist references to Portugal and the Douro region in the international press;
– Lack of direct competition on site;
– Natural conditions of the region: the climate, the river, the vineyard and the cultural and landscape diversity.
And also the following threats
– Seasonality;
– Increased indirect competition (local accommodation, hotels, etc.)
– Lack of institutional promotion – Economic instability, with strong pressure on prices;
– Economic and political situation in Europe
This tourist space consists of the ground floor, through which there is the main entrance and where the enterprise’s service and administrative support areas and a SPA are located. On the 1st floor there are 5 bedrooms with private bathroom and on the 2nd floor there are 4 bedrooms, 1 of which is intended for people with reduced mobility. It also offers an outdoor space, where, in addition to outdoor meals, there is a swimming pool, from where you can enjoy the stunning landscape. The investments, promoted through LAG Douro Histórico and with the support of EAFRD funds within the scope of sub-measure “Diversification of activities on farms to non-agricultural activities”, aimed at:
– Fully respect the general requirements for the facilities and operation of rural units;
– Provide the space with all the equipment necessary for its operation;
– Allow the holding of themed events and other wine tourism activities;
– Maintain the architectural and ornamental characteristics typical of the environment in which the house is located;
– Ensure efficient internal and customer relationship management;
– Contribute to qualify, expand and retain demand for the tourism unit;
The project was supported by a 50% non-refundable subsidy of the eligible investment. The support amounted to €84,966.06 in European funding and €14,994.02 in national funding. The investments consisted of remodelling the house and creating a swimming pool, intervention in exterior arrangements, furniture and kitchen equipment, household appliances, as well as various studies.
The promoter intends to invest in a strategy of promoting the tourist unit, based on the dissemination of quality services, with entertainment and cultural leisure activities, with very attractive prices for this type of offer.
Emblematic character of the project
This is an innovative project, taking into account the lack of tourist offer of this nature in the place where it is located and also due to the diversification of the products it offers to its potential customers.
It fits perfectly into the strategy defined and approved by the local partnership of the LAG, which presents tourism as one of its priority areas.
The project will contribute to population retention, not only by creating jobs but also by increasing the dynamics associated with the local economy.
This type of projects can be perfectly replicated in other rural territories with similar socio-economic characteristics, within the framework of LEADER strategies taking advantage of local potential and diversifying the functions and activities in the territory.

Local authority
Associação de Desenvolvimento Local da Bairrada e Mondego (Bairrada and Mondego Local Development Association)