

In March 2016, the Bamberghaus at Getreidemarkt 3 in Wolfsberg was transformed into a

marketing platform for regional producers under the name “Haus der Region”, a project

funded by the EU-LEADER programme. For this purpose, selected rooms of the

Bamberghaus were adapted by means of extensive construction and furnishing measures

and converted into a vinotheque with an integrated gourmet shop. In addition to the

excellent wines of the Lavanttal winegrowers. In addition to the excellent wines of the

Lavanttal winegrowers, the Haus der Region gives regional direct marketers space to

present and market their high-quality products.

Presentation of the project

The “House of the Region” is located in the centre of the municipality of Wolfsberg. In the

course of the project, the house was revitalized and converted into a regional shop. About

170 regional producers (farmers, direct marketers, artisans and social institutions) offer

about 1700 products (food, handicrafts, souvenirs). The comprehensive regional product

range ensures the individual, needs-oriented compilation of gifts, which are lovingly

wrapped and also delivered by appointment.

In addition to the sale and tasting of Lavanttal specialities, various events are planned and

carried out in the “House of the Region” with the involvement of partner companies to raise

awareness of the topics of regional products, health and sustainability (theme workshops,

product tastings, lectures, readings, seminars, workshops).

A focal point in the shop is the vinotheque, where many wines from the regional winegrowers

are presented and sold.

The “House of the Region” is run by the Lavanttal Employment Initiative in cooperation with

the Public Employment Service (AMS). The initiative was set up to help people looking for

work (women returning to work, women 50+, etc.) to re-enter the labor market. Labor market

integration includes, for example, qualification measures, consulting and coaching services

as well as job placement. Since the start of the project, over 100 people have already been

placed in the labor market through this initiative.

Due to the success of the project, the “Genussladen St. Paul” branch was opened in April

2021 as part of another LEADER project.

The two project locations now generate an annual turnover of around half a million euros,

with the added value flowing entirely into the region.

The following can be defined as project objectives: regional value creation and circular

economy, revitalization of the town centre, expansion of the tourist infrastructure, local supply facility, expansion of employment opportunities and reduction of the unemployment


LAG Regionalkooperation Unterkärnten played a key role in the development of the projects.

In addition to providing the network, active support was provided during implementation.

LEADER funding laid the foundations for the implementation of these projects with supra-regional appeal.

Emblematic character of the project

In its conception, the House of the Region made a significant contribution to promoting

regional and cross-sector networking. A continuous exchange between producers and close

cooperation with partners from the fields of culture, tourism and gastronomy ensure the

success of these projects.

The implementation of projects such as these strengthens the circular economy and thus

reduces the region’s ecological footprint. The local economic cycle and increased regional

added value make the region more resilient to other markets.

Through cooperation with the Austrian Public Employment Service, this also leads to the

creation of jobs and thus to an improvement in the labor market situation, especially for

older job seekers and the long-term unemployed.

This project can be implemented as often as required if there is product diversity or small-scale agriculture in a European region.


LBI – Lavanttaler Beschäftigungsinitiative