EU CAP network ”cooperation landscape”: 64 factsheets on cooperation (2021)

Cette ressource contient un certain nombre de tableaux de données :

  • Contacts, informations générales
  • Informations financières
  • Règles d’éligibilité pour les actions préparatoires des projets de coopération
  • Règles d’éligibilité pour les projets de coopération

Tools & templates of the PAC network on the former ENRD website (archived) :

You can find out more about this resource here:

  • AGRI guidance
  • Cooperation landscape
  • Progress report 2014
  • NTA with third countries (2022) and tools (roadmap, checklist, ToR).
  • Information sheets

TNC with third countries (2022) – ENRD

This page contains :

  • Contacts
  • Progress report
  • Availability of contacts for LAGs
  • The EU-funded programme


You will find in this pdf :

  • Proposals – Recommendations for TNC projects.
  • Ideal Process-Procedure” – Guidelines for TNC projects.
  • Templates – Common templates for cooperation agreements and application forms.
  • Common Project Information Sheet – Standardized information format.
  • Cooperation Agreement Template – Draft template for TNC projects.
  • NRN Contributions – Roles in harmonizing procedures.
  • Definitions – Clarifications on joint actions and common costs.
  • Added Value of Cooperation – Learning from TNC projects.
  • Preparatory Support – Examples of support in various EU countries.
  • Examples of EU Practices – Case studies on TNC projects and NRN roles.

The EU CAP network shows the guidelines for LEADER evaluation. This document contains :

  • Introduction to LEADER – Its role and challenges in assessing added value.
  • Evaluation Guidelines – Developed by the Thematic Working Group in 2023.
  • Concept of LEADER Added Value – Benefits of LEADER compared to other approaches.
  • Evaluation Framework – Options, key elements, evaluation questions, and success factors.
  • Indicators and Indicator Fiches – Definitions, objectives, measurement units, and data sources.

Decalogo Avilés EN

The Aviles Decalogue from the 2004 Spanish event. Here’s a summary of what the Avilés Decalogue on Trans-National Cooperation contains:

  • Emphasis on the importance of cooperation in Leader+ and the need for support from European and National Leader+ units.
  • Recognition of cooperation as a key tool for rural development.
  • Role of European and national networks in facilitating rural cooperation within the EU.
  • Cooperation as a factor of European cohesion needing more resources.
  • Promotion of the “bottom-up” approach in cooperation projects.
  • Advocacy for more explicit inclusion of cooperation in new rural development regulations.
  • Call for increased budget for rural European policy and support for the Commission’s funding proposal.
  • Prioritization of rural economic diversification and cooperation in resource allocation.
  • Inclusion of all rural actors in the Rural Development Consultative Committee.
  • Encouragement for states and regions to integrate cooperation into their rural development policies.