Mise en tourisme ViaRhôna Léman-Lyon (Tourism Development ViaRhôna Léman-Lyon)

Project n°30 INTRODUCTION Develop the economy and tourism of territories from a cycle route by crossing administrative borders. Invent a flexible, voluntary and effective governance to coordinate the implementation of tourism between Geneva and Lyon. PRESENTATION OF THE PROJECT Between Lake Geneva and Lyon, 300 km of cycle route (ViaRhôna Read more…

“Get to know and feel the land of Bānītis” (Iepazīsti un sajūti Bānīša zemi!”)

Project n°32 INTRODUCTION Within the project, a new unique tourism destination was created – the Land of Bānītis. Location – the outermost border of the European Union, Latvia, Vidzeme region, Alūksne and Gulbene municipalities, also known as the Land of Bānītis. The Land of Bānītis – A world where you’ll Read more…

Boergondische Buren

Project n°25 INTRODUCTION “Boergondische Buren,” a transnational LEADER project, celebrates the shared Burgundian heritage, agricultural roots of cross-border farmers and local products. The initiative, driven by the request of farmers and local entrepreneurs, aimed to strengthen connections across the border, create new sales opportunities, and promote collaboration. A key achievement Read more…

“La mobilité pour Tous- Iedereen Mobiel”(1/1/2020 – 30/6/2021) – “Mobility for all”

Project n°23 INTRODUCTION The project is an interregional LEADER cooperation. The project started with Walloon LAGs visiting Flemish bicycle projects, revealing two cooperation opportunities. First, both regions had campaigns to promote cycling: Flanders focused on mobility poverty with cycling schools, while Wallonia aimed at improving fitness through “Je pédale pour Read more…