Project n°29


“Malvasia Myth” – Paths of history, culture and wine.

The “Malvasia Myth”, a transnational cooperation project that connected Greece, Italy and Croatia, under the framework of LEADER/ CLLD 2014-2020 programme, aimed at featuring and valorizing the cultural heritage of the renowned Malvasia wine, the most famous wine in history! The project built an overall myth about Malvasia’s history and culture. The myth of the Malvasia, based on the cultural identity, the stories and legends of all Malvasia wine-producing areas, involved the local communities and areas to the creation of the Malvasia Myth Network and the development of the Malvasia routes. It is worth mentioning that the project and the network are members of the Iter Vitis “Les chemins de la vigne” Cultural Route of the Council of Europe.


The aim of the project was the emergence and spread of wine culture, as well as the interconnection of the tourist identity of the regions with their traditional products that have quality, reputation and are directly linked to the region for the development of gastronomic tourism. Consequently, the project also improved the local network economy of the partner areas, giving a chance for new job opportunities for young and female population.

Main activities of the project are:

• Research and documentation: Research and development of bibliographic, historical, research data. Scientific substantiation of the value and the brand name Malvasia in historical time, from the start of its production until the expansion and consolidation in Europe and the new productive areas in the Mediterranean.

• Creation of international brand Malvasia: Concept, story and development of the brand. Creation of individual elements (graphics, videos, texts, etc.). Methodology for the acceptance of the brand and inclusion in products and campaigns of relevant enterprises.

• Electronic promotion: Design of multilanguage website by presenting elements of history and wine production, wine and other complementary businesses, wine and related products, tourist information for the production areas etc. Design and implementation of web promotion campaign, pages on social media.

• Training: Design of training and educational seminars for entrepreneurs in production areas, to develop related Malvasia products and services.

• Exchange of visits: Study visits for producers and other involved bodies at producing areas in the Mediterranean. Combination with related activities, such as conferences, festivals and events on Malvasia, exchange of experiences and training for entrepreneurs etc.

• Setting up of Malvasia network: Development of Action Plan and Strategy for the establishment and operation of the Network.

• Promotion events and festivals: Design and implementation of new events, strengthen and upgrade existing wine events, conferences and festivals, networking events etc. Creation and support of wine tourism activities.

Target groups of the project were:

• Local authorities: Promotion of the identity of the area and connection with the myth of the Malvasia wine, offering added value.

• Vine and wine business: Promotion of the wine and the myth behind it.

• Tourism business: Promotion of wine tourism and myth.

• Local people: Raising the morale of the people of the Malvasia producing areas after realizing the connection of their area with the most famous wine in history.


Expected objectives and results of the project implementation are as follows:

• promotion and dissemination of wine culture,

• growing dynamic of the name and history of Malvasia brand,

• development of actions in various fields that will utilize the Malvasia brand,

• creation of income and jobs associated with the production and tourism,

• promotion of Malvasia production areas and their specific characteristics (history, tradition, nature, gastronomy, culture),

• creation of the Malvasia Myth Network of areas to undertake actions and coordinate efforts.


The added value of LEADER lies in networking, cooperation and the promotion of Malvasia wine producing areas and their particular characteristics (history, tradition, nature, gastronomy, culture). Moreover, the implementation of the project at the local level can give the possibility of generating income and jobs linked to production and tourism.

Concerning LAG Parnonas the TNC serves the General objective 2 of its local LEADER program which aims at promotion of local entrepreneurship through cooperation, the transfer of know-how and the strengthening of innovation and extroversion.

Concerning LAG del Ducato the TNC is fully in line with the local development strategy and in particular with the thematic unit of the secondary intervention “Sustainable tourism” and the specific objective B.3 “Promotion of the intervention area”.

Concerning LAG Central Istria, the TNC is directly linked to Measure 19.3.2. of the Local Development Strategy of the Local Action Group Central Istria 2014-2020 and is aligned with the main goal: “Creation of economic well-being and social living conditions in the rural area of ​​LAG Central Istria”.

Concerning the sustainability of the project the partners will continue to support it by establishing a Malvasia Myth network with a will and a vision to continue featuring and valorizing this renowned wine’s heritage after the project is completed. The Malvasia Myth Network will also continue carrying the myth of Malvasia, based on the cultural identity, the stories, and legends of all Malvasia wine-producing regions, and by involving the local communities in creating a network of Malvasia regions and the development of a cultural route of wine.

Malvasia Myth Network will act as a common platform for sharing information, knowledge and good practices aimed at increasing recognition and awareness of Malvasia wines, its tradition rich history and stories, bringing authentic experience throughout Europe.

For the moment, an informal network has been established from by the partners of the project by signing the MoU – Memorandum of Understanding. The Network is already expanding and includes more Malvasia wine production areas in Europe and worldwide, ensuring the transnational impact and the project sustainability after the funding ends.

Malvasia wine is recognized and produced in eight countries in the Mediterranean but also – more recently – in areas such as US, South America, South Africa and Australia.

The Malvasia Myth Network has already implemented some actions and is expanding by visiting and including more Malvasia producing areas and countries.

The new LEADER TNC project is under design and will include partners from all new areas, aiming to expand the results and success of the last Malvasia Myth project.